CSA/SSAT challenged in court – funds needed
A very brave man and his partner have decided enough is enough. The treatment doled out by CSA and SSAT have driven them to take court action to challenge the decisions made.
The solicitor acting for Mr Parkins, (a pseudonym) writes:
(Read his full report here)
“It is therefore in cases such as this that it is my aspiration that precedents such as Parkins may be established to restore dignity to the act of statutory taxation based recoveries of moneys, not for the ingratiation of self-serving bureaucrats to abuse process by lawful means into a de facto system of male punishment, but to use the system for what it is there to achieve: the valid orderly collection of moneys for parents and guardians on behalf of their children for necessities of life.”
Many of you would be aware, from first hand experience, of the unjust and unfair decisions made by CSA that inflates one’s income to unrealistic levels, immediately creating enormous back debts that cannot be paid ….then comes legal action to take whatever remaining assets exist.
In this case the father has been accused of lying, his comprehensive medical evidence ignored and his CS income based on a mortage application that he did not authorise or sign.
Many of you would also know that to challenge CSA is expensive and according to the solicitor, “the Minister for Human Resources is sufficiently worried about this case and has invoked the powers of the AGS to fight Parkin’s matter. They are sufficiently concerned about our level of preparation that they are “upping the ante”. The bureaucrats are not concerned about the welfare of the two children, now of age, but rather the maintenance of their system of de facto male punishment by powers de jure.”
Mr Parkins, with the support of his partner is challenging the CSA/SSAT decisions, not just for their own benefit. They have expressed their commitment to setting a precedent that will benefit the many fathers who are falsely accused of hiding income, and failing to support their children.
To make a donation you can do so by direct depost to our Special Purpose account at the Bendigo Bank:
Men’s Right Agency
Reference: Parkin’s Fund
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Account No:1235 16551
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