Family Court Reform, suicide – Social Defeat for Men

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Family court reform, suicide and “Repeated Social Defeat” for men

John Davis


Fifty years of feminism in Western culture has set men up to fail in our family court systems.

Feminism has been, since its inception, a political device for dividing men and women. Family courts have become gynocentric tools for divorcing spouses to abuse men. Mainstream commentators increasingly understand that the family court systems in Western countries are now normalized, and weaponized, government tools for carrying out a war on men. Because of their poor treatment in family court, men often experience repeated social defeat and its devastating consequences.


family court, feminism, males, men, repeated social defeat


John Davis is a retired public official and international lawyer who writes on current gender issues. He was educated at Case Western Reserve University (BA), Seattle University School of Law (JD), and New York University School of Law (LL.M post-doctoral).  John  is fluent  in  seven  languages  (including  ancient  Latin  and Greek).  He  has  held  positions  such  as  Assistant  Attorney  General,  United  States Speaker, and Assistant District Attorney, Chief Wing JAG, U. S. Air Force Auxiliary, and Supreme Court Law Clerk. The author of eight books, John currently edits Gender  Studies for Men, which publishes “balanced discussions of contemporary gender issues” on