Erin Molan blaming men for increase in gendered violence

Okay, we’ve been subjected to two days of horrific vilification blaming men for one woman being killed every 4 days. It used to be one every 6 days, (and one man killed every 8 days as a result of DV) but seems the Bondi tragedy is possibly being included to increase the figures to one in 4 days.
Watch this interview with Erin Molan on Sky news at
Go to 1minute 40 secs.
Then read the comments before they are taken down. Many are critical of the failure to mention men who are victims of abuse and violence from their spouse/partner/woman in their life
See this one below……..
My ex-wife had some serious post-natal depression because she was having trouble losing weight and she thought I might find her undersirable, and she didn’t want any other woman to ever have me so she tried to stab me in the chest with a red plastic handled bread knife one night while I was asleep. Luckily she left the hall light on and her shadow over the bed woke me up just in time.


6 replies
Did she get jail? or was seen as the victim?


 @timmy6588  No, It’s just the way young men think, I guess, in hindsight. I wasn’t murdered, so there was nothing to report. I went to work and she took our son and got on a plane to fly across the country to see her parents. Also, as is well known, if a man goes to the police about anything like this, he’s going to be the one that gets in trouble.


 @Shtapens  That’s insane, I guess people invest so much time with a person, that they would allow serious stuff to pass. If that was me, I would of gone to the police, tried to get custody and I would of been out there ASAP. I wouldn’t care if she countered with lies, accused me falsly The reality she tried to kill you, how can you let that pass, I don’t care if person is mentally going through a rough time, It’s unforgivable.


 @Shtapens  I walked away from a female of mine for just calling me a Moron. She never apologized, so I never spoke to her again. People should not tolerate mental or physical abuse from anyone.


 @timmy6588  It was over 30 years ago. I did speak to my mother on the phone that day, and her response was, “What did you do to deserve that?” That was 1992 on a postage stamp. Any kind of ‘outside’ intervention was also unthinkable then. It was in the family, and so it stayed in the family. That’s the way it was in 1992. Now, in hindsight, my alienated children believe what lies she has told them about me, but if I ever told them the truth, (and they believed me), then their relationshuip with their mother would be affected badly, on a much broader scale than just that one attempted murder, and that would cause hurt to my children for the rest of their lives. So it is the best thing I can do for their welfare to let them go on loving their mother and hating their father.

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 @Shtapens  Gee your mother’s response, I’m truther absolutist, just go with it no matter the consequences. The kid’s deserved to know the truth. I tend to understand your position, but I think it went too far. Lots of men have bad things happen to them by their wife’s and the system and yet say nothing.
How sad is that?
Enough of this unjust vilification. The government and others are just trying to destroy our relationships because then individuals are easier to manage!
Kind regards
Sue Price

Men’s Rights Agency

Mob: 0409 269 621