Flawed DV report failed to be mentioned in Human Rights Council

Dear DAVIA Friend,


I’d like to report on our MONUMENTAL VICTORY!


The Human Rights Council concluded its 53rd session yesterday, and did not approve Reem Alsalem’s report on “Custody, Violence Against Women and Violence against Children.”


There is no mention of the report on the HRC’s summary report of the session: https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/07/human-rights-council-concludes-fifty-third-regular-session-after-adopting-30  Or on Alsalem’s personal Twitter page: https://twitter.com/unsrvaw?lang=en


In short, the horrendous report simply “disappeared” from public attention.


Over the past 5 weeks, DAVIA issued eight press releases, which I know many of you forwarded to the HRC delegates:

Thanks to every one who participated in this campaign, and passed along your concerns to the Human Rights Council!





Edward E. Bartlett, PhD


DAVIA: Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance

3220 N Street, NW, Suite 114

Washington, DC 20007

Internet: http://endtodv.org/davia/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DomesticViolenceLegislativeProject/