Particpate in Separating Families Research – AIFS

The Australian Institute of Family Studies appears to be initiating a regular study into separating families and are currently undertaking interviews via Roy Morgan Research.  Roy Morgan Research on 1800 000 293 or email

Over the last 20 years we at MRA have heard from many fathers and their relatives, detailing their horrific experiences in the family law system, with child support, domestic violence, and false allegations.

Perhaps this may be an avenue you can use to at least list your complaints/experiences with the official government researchers.

We are not sure how participants are being selected, but it can do no harm to put your situation forward to them.

See below and also read the latest Executive Summary for research carried out in 2010-2011 here

The information collected will  inform future policies and services that will benefit families experiencing relationship difficulties.

Information for participants

As only anonymous data is provided by AIFS, if you have been invited to participate in the Family Pathways: Survey of Recently Separated Parents (SRSP) 2014 study and have any queries or would like to update your contact details, please call the Family Pathways: SRSP 2014 respondent hotline at Roy Morgan Research on 1800 000 293 or email

The privacy of all participants is important to us and all information collected will be kept strictly confidential, as far as allowable by law. All interviewers, researchers and others involved must comply with the Privacy Act 1988.

      Participation in this study is voluntary. You can opt-out at any time during the course of the study via the phone number or email address provided above. 

Nobody at AIFS (or any other government agency) will have access to any information collected that could identify people who participate (including names, contact details etc.). Roy Morgan Research will remove any identifying information from the data that is provided to AIFS for analysis.


Current Studies

The current Family Pathways study is being conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies on behalf of the Australian Government’s Attorney-General’s Department.


Family Pathways:  Survey of Recently Separated Parents 2014

The Family Pathways: Survey of Recently Separated Parents (SRSP) 2014 is a study involving parents who separated between July 2012 and December 2013.The study aims to identify opportunities for improving support for children and their families after separation.

Key questions  include:

  • How do families manage parenting after separation?
  • How are children’s arrangements negotiated?
  • What are the changes and challenges in life following family breakdown?
  • What are the parents’ experiences of the family law system and how effective is it in assisting them to handle the challenges they confront?

Telephone interviews of over 6,000 separated parents will be conducted between June and November 2014.