One Nation Sell-out on Family Law Reform

Men’s Rights Agency has received information that the One Nation party has dumped their Family Law Reform policy.
See their current policy listing:
The erased policy can be found  using:
One Nation also added a new policy to get rid of UN Human Rights then carefully disguised where they hid it on the website:
A case a little over a year ago was won by a father in the United Nations against the WA Family Court.
If the Government complied with this case it would wipe out most of the Family Law problems. Efforts are currently under way, using Polish diplomatic channels, to  pressure the Australian Government into complying with the UN ruling. If the Pauline Hanson One Nation new policy on human rights were to be implemented it would wipe out any chance of this decision fixing things.
Many people believe Pauline Hanson stands for Family Court reform, however many may have voted in the WA election before they found out that she has betrayed them, possibly in favour of a preference deal with the Liberal Party.