The Good in Men, please read and watch.

Remember, Ilan from Egard Watch Company? He produced a brilliant video called “We see the good” in  response to the negative portrayal of men in a video made and widely distributed by Gillette
Ilan has received many emails and contacts praising “We see the good” and this has encouraged him to take this much further. He needs your help! He wants to promote messages about the good men do, the men in our lives we wish to honor and remember for the positive contributions they have made to our lives.
Please read on to find out how you can contribute…….
Sue Price, Men’s Rights Agency

Hi Everyone, This is Ilan the CEO of Egard and the following is very important to me so if you have a minute please read..
I have been racking my brain trying to find a way to continue the positive messages for men and have decided to move forward with a campaign called “WE SEE THE GOOD”. The video Below explains it all but in short we would love for you to share videos of positive role models in your life and we will feature them on our site. We will say thank you to all of you by doing giveaways and hopefully eventually an award event to celebrate the sacrifices some of these amazing people have made.
The guidelines are under the video below. Please follow them so we can make sure to see and share your video and consider you for giveaways and awards.
Please share the following webpage with people on your social media to help get the word out:

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Please upload a video to youtube and include the following in the title:Egard Watches – We see the good
Please include the following link in the description:
and finally please e-mail us your video link at so we can feature your story on our site:
Please share this video
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