Reviews of Family Law will cost Labor votes

A recent national survey of the voting intentions of nearly 500 people has  revealed the reviews undertaken by the federal Government of Family Law and the  impact these reviews are likely to have on shared parenting will cost Labor  votes.

The survey asked: Will the roll-back of shared parenting affect your vote?

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of those surveyed said they voted Labor at the last  federal election.

When asked whether knowledge of the Labor Government’s reviews into Family Law  and the impact these reviews are likely to have on shared parenting has caused  people to think more negatively about the Government, 93% answered that it had.

When asked about voting intentions at the coming federal election, 72% of  respondents said they will not vote Labor and a further 20% said they are  unlikely or highly unlikely to vote Labor.

The swing against Labor is being almost exclusively fuelled by the expected  rollback of shared parenting arrangements gained under the Howard Government.  Voting patterns of those responding to the survey would have been similar to  those observed at the last federal election had it not been for the expected  rollback. Nearly 60% said they would have voted Labor in the coming election if  they had not known about the reviews to Family Law.

For further information contact: Sue Price on 0409 269 621

Commentary from Sue Price – Director, Mens Rights Agency

Being  an online survey, we expected some false names and addresses and our method of  verification was able to identify non-genuine responses. Thank you for your  cooperation in supplying accurate contact details.

The survey has been a genuine attempt to gage the views of Australian parents to  the proposed roll-back, but even this was open to attack by a noted professor  with Adelaide University, who sent an email to her followers to advise how they  should respond to the questionnaire:

“Subject: RE: Australia: Will the roll-back of shared parenting affect your  vote? Just give a False Name and a false phone number and Post code. No other details

Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs AO, University of South Australia Magill Campus SA 5072 Phone +61 8 83374102”

It is a pretty sad indictment of those who are in positions of  considerable influence and who control the education of young Australians, that they  ask people to lie in response to this survey.