Prioritising children’s interests
Today’s Editorial In the Australian 12:00AM MARCH 25, 2023 2 COMMENTS It’s rarely easy or simple for children when parents separate or divorce, especially when conflicts,
Today’s Editorial In the Australian 12:00AM MARCH 25, 2023 2 COMMENTS It’s rarely easy or simple for children when parents separate or divorce, especially when conflicts,
A former family court judge says a proposed overhaul of the family law act should not undervalue the importance of a child’s relationship with
Subject: [mensrightsagency] Cancelling Shared Parenting DISASTROUS NEWS CANCELING EQUAL SHARE REPONSIBITY AND SHARED PARENTING TIME Just look at what this Labor government is
FLAT WHITE SPECTATOR.CO.UK SUBSCRIBE RegisterLog in FLAT WHITE Reforming Australia’s child support system Andrew John Tabor From Spectator Australia Pexels Andrew John Tabor 18 December
The Chronicles A magazine of American Culture Revolt of the Fatherless Revolt of the Fatherless MAY 1, 2022BY STEPHEN BASKERVILLE SHARE THIS POST? Protestors in Manhattan
Feminist stranglehold on suicide prevention policies Please read the message at the bottom of this blog with news about the male tutor fired earlier this
Australia's national, non-profit organisation providing a better outcome for men and their families.
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