A must watch for everyone…for those who know that men are victims of domestic violence from their partners, this true story will provide further understanding of the devious, terrifyingly violent methods used by his girlfriend to totally control and intimidate her partner and for those who deny the existence of male victims of domestic violence, watch and learn.
The young police officer, contrary to his training and usual expectations that only women are victims and men the perpetrators is to be commended for persisting in his inquiries when neighbours called again to report the violence from next door.
A doctor who examined the young man said he was only about 10 days away from death, so intense and serious had been the deprivation and violence he experienced.
His partner was sentenced to 7 years on each counts and a further sentence was imposed for “Coercive and controlling behaviour” – the first time a woman has been charge with this offence in the UK.
The BBC article:
The Doco Trailer
The full-length documentary
The YouTube version
Classics of the Fatherhood Movement. Legalizing Misandry
Classics of the Fatherhood Movement. Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men To mark the 50th anniversary of the Australian Family Law