There is a war on masculinity occurring right in front of our eyes, and many are doing nothing about it. Are we going to sit by and let good men be dishonestly destroyed in the name of feminism and #MeToo?
Our society is treating way too many heterosexual men as if they were all misogynists and rapists in waiting.
The left promotes liberation from societal norms. These radical liberals want men to think that they are free to be whomever they want to be. However, the minute a man decides to embrace his natural masculinity, this freedom seems to end. The hypocrisy of their ideology is apparent in that you can’t actually be whomever you want to be unless you fit in with their social-constructivist teachings.
You Can Kiss “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” Goodbye
If you don’t conform, you are verbally assaulted and sometimes accused of being sexist or even worse, a criminal. We saw this behavior in the way that Brett Kavanaugh was attacked for his demeanor after being falsely accused of gang rape by women who later admitted to fabricating their stories altogether and admitted to never having met Brett Kavanaugh before in their lives. It’s reached the point where an unsubstantiated allegation of an inappropriate remark or behavior can destroy a man’s reputation forever.
It’s reached the point where an unsubstantiated allegation of an inappropriate remark or behavior can destroy a man’s reputation forever.
Men have been expected to turn the other cheek and accept a diminishment of their dignity, even if they are not personally responsible for former or current gender inequalities. Or, in Brett Kavanaugh’s case, many expected him to turn his other cheek and take these vulgar attacks regardless of his innocence and genuine outrage in the false criminal accusations against him.
Masculinity is a Virtue, Not a Vice
In many ways, we are living in a society that is pushing to deny the need for the existence of manhood altogether. Masculinity has even been grouped by some with violence and toxicity, a clear misrepresentation of the idea and of the inherent positive value that certain aspects of gender roles have in family structure and society.
We have seen the undeniable ramifications when masculinity is missing in the home. When the positive (and masculine) role of the father is not present, many young men turn to destructive behavior, and many young women look for love in the wrong places from the wrong kinds of men and often struggle with self-esteem.
We have seen the undeniable ramifications when masculinity is missing in the home.
Don’t get me wrong. Sexism is definitely real, and there are men out there who unfortunately still exhibit those unacceptable, stereotypical behaviors toward women. But not every masculine man is sexist or a criminal. Stopping the disgusting actions of some men is extremely important, and there are various laws in place to punish such behavior, but that does not mean the majority of men should be forced to pay for the sins of the minority.
Stopping the disgusting actions of some men is extremely important… but that does not mean the majority of men should be forced to pay for the sins of the minority.
#MeToo Has Harmed Ambitious Women and Decent Men
In the age of #MeToo, many good men are now left worried about being friendly to women in the workplace. Could it be taken the wrong way? Corporate Executives have become wary of hiring women because of the liability, and many refuse to have meetings with them without a third party present. As Bloomberg reported, many men are professionally avoiding women at all cost because of the associated risk of being wrongly accused. Could #MeToo be inadvertently creating a “Boy’s Club” mentality more than ever before? If so, there’s another blow-back on the horizon, as executives could back themselves out of sexual harassment suits and right into discrimination lawsuits.
Many men are professionally avoiding women at all cost because of the associated risk of being wrongly accused.
Others are left confused and concerned about how to show interest or affection for a woman without being perceived as being politically incorrect or inappropriate. If society continues on this trajectory, men will be faced with a crippling choice: express their healthy and natural romantic interest in women, or risk a charge of sexual harassment.
The War on Masculinity
The war on masculinity from the progressive left and radical feminists is very real in this country and is continuing to worsen. We owe it to our boyfriends, husbands, fathers, brothers, and friends, to stand up against the mob mentality and come to men’s defense. Whether it’s on social media, in the workplace, in the classroom, at the dinner table, or in public – stand up for them, because all throughout history, good men have worked and fought for our safety and protection. Not long ago in this country, good men stood up for us in our fight for equal rights. What kind of women would we be if we didn’t stand up for them in the face of social injustice?