A Queensland senator has shared a controversial message about coronavirus, and some MPs are not impressed.
Larissa Waters, a Green senator, shared a post on her Instagram that claimed coronavirus is “Scomo’s revenge.”
“This coronavirus is actually Scomo’s revenge,” her post read, which Senator Waters credited to the ‘LibLOL’ Facebook page.
“We didn’t shake his hand. Now nobody can shake hands.
“We didn’t like him having an overseas holiday. Now nobody can have an overseas holiday.
“We called him an arsehole. Now nobody can wipe their arseholes.”
The post has since been removed, but not before she was slammed by her fellow senators.
Liberal Senator James Paterson from Victoria tweeted: “I honestly thought this was fake when I first saw it.”
He called her post “incredibly poor taste”.
Greens Senator Larissa Waters crude, revolting post about Coronavirus
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Greens senator Larissa Waters removes controversial coronavirus post
Australian Greens Senator Larissa Water shared a coronavirus post on Instagram – but some have called her out for being insensitive.
A Queensland senator has shared a controversial message about coronavirus, and some MPs are not impressed.
Larissa Waters, a Green senator, shared a post on her Instagram that claimed coronavirus is “Scomo’s revenge.”
“This coronavirus is actually Scomo’s revenge,” her post read, which Senator Waters credited to the ‘LibLOL’ Facebook page.
“We didn’t shake his hand. Now nobody can shake hands.
“We didn’t like him having an overseas holiday. Now nobody can have an overseas holiday.
“We called him an arsehole. Now nobody can wipe their arseholes.”
Senator Larissa Waters has come under fire for a controversial Instagram post. Picture: Gary RamageSource:News Corp Australia
The post has since been removed, but not before she was slammed by her fellow senators.
Liberal Senator James Paterson from Victoria tweeted: “I honestly thought this was fake when I first saw it.”
He called her post “incredibly poor taste”.
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