Privacy Policy

Why Men’s Rights Agency Exists...

Men's Rights Agency - Our Privacy Statement

The privacy of your personal information is very important to us. In order for us to work with you, we operate under a code of conduct, set out below. By registering with us, you consent to our use of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Statement and in compliance with Privacy Commissioner’s Information Privacy Principles.

Why do we need your personal information?

We require your personal information so that we can efficiently facilitate the matching of support services between you and our network of professionals. We also require personal information to improve the services we provide to support our clients.

When is your personal information collected?

We collect your personal information when you register with us, or when you supply any information to us by responding to a request for further information. In addition, we collect information when you correspond or communicate with us.

When is your personal information given to anyone else?

The personal information that you provide to us is only ever passed on to our professional network member[s], usually a solicitor, counsellor/psychologist and/or accountant with your permission.
Under certain circumstance we are obliged to disclose your personal information to third parties where it is required by law, such as for law enforcement purposes or where there is a threat to a person’s safety.

How do we keep your personal information safe?

Personal information received from you is stored in password protected data files and in securely locked cabinets.
Our internet servers cannot be accessed by any person who is not authorised by us.

How do I correct or update my personal information on file with Men's Rights Agency?

Once you have registered with us, you may at any time modify the personal information you provided in the registration and confidential information forms. If your information is incorrect or out of date we ask that you correct that information. We will also take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer required. Information is never completely destroyed due to technical and accounting constraints, plus legal responsibilities that require us to retain some information for a period of time.

Men's Rights Agency usage of personal information.

Our web server may also automatically collect “navigational data” and comprises: browser type; IP address; the URL you come from and go to; links to other websites you click on; the pages you view on our Site and time spent on it; cookies; your domain type and service provider. This information is not ‘personalised’ by identifying any individual. It is standard for many websites to collect this type of information in order to enable them to monitor usage of a website and improve website content and navigation.

How will the non-personalized information be used?

We will use the navigational data and information that we collect about your use of the Site by combining this with information we collect about other users to give us aggregated results (i.e. results which do not identify any individual) about the usage of the Site. We do this to monitor Site usage, to improve the look, content and navigation of the Site and to improve the services we provide for our clients.

Contacting us

Naturally, it is in our interests to protect your privacy, so that we develop a long and trusted relationship with you. If at any time you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact us. See our “Contact Us” webpage menu item at the top right of this webpage.

When will this privacy statement be updated?

We strive to comply with the Privacy Commissioner’s Information Privacy Principles and legislation. We also intend to comply with industry privacy codes as and when they are developed.
If further privacy legislation and/or self-regulatory codes are introduced or our Privacy Statement is updated, we will summarise any modifications or enhancements in this section of our Privacy Statement.

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