We are sending this report to the media, and those persons and organizations who deal with family violence, in the hope that we can correct a serious misunderstanding about this very important issue.
We want to make it clear that we have been working to end family violence for over a decade. One of us is an original incorporator of our local women’s shelter. We were members of the “Century Club”, those who contribute over $100 annually. We have sponsored benefit events for our shelter that attracted national media attention. Since we began publishing scientific studies on family violence the women�s shelter has returned our contributions. Much of the women�s shelter movement is seriously misinformed about the causes and scope of family violence. We were also seriously misinformed. We have learned a lot during the last 10 years.
Day: 30 June 1999
Domestic Violence in Australia: ARE WOMEN AND MEN EQUALLY VIOLENT?
Conventional wisdom holds (i) that physical domestic violence is mainly perpetrated by men against women; (ii) that violent men, being physically stronger, inflict more pain and serious injuries than violent women; and (iii) that physical violence runs in families. To examine all three beliefs, we bring to bear nationwide sample survey data. In investigating domestic