Whether headed by singles, same-sex couples, step-parents or the nuclear duo model, the 21st century family’s sheer diversity may prove to be its strength. Wake up to the new century and smell the roses. Toss aside your millennium angst – it belongs to the dying months of 1999. Society, family, relationships, marriage, sex, love –
Day: 1 January 2000
Labour and Democrat Senators reject CSA relief for payers!
The Senate has rejected most of the changes contained in the child support legislation that would benefit paying parents.
The Child Support Amendment Bill (No 2) 2000 was to provide for a reduction in child support, by acknowledging that there is a cost involved in caring for children during contact visits. A 2 and 3 percent reduction in the formula amount was envisaged for non-custodial parents who have between 10 – 19%, and 20 – 29% contact time, respectively.