We’re All Terrorists Now – Janice Fiamengo

  Make no mistake: our governments want to outlaw dissent from feminism Janice Fiamengo Sep 1 READ IN APP One can sense the beginning of a joke: a radical feminist (barrister Charlotte Proudman), a men’s advocate (Ally Fogg of the Men and Boys Coalition), and a professor who studies the manosphere (cyber threat specialist Joe

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News from DAVIA, Australia, Janice Fiamengo – We’re all terrorists now! Sep 1

Date 02/09/2024 10:49:15 PM Subject We Must Address the Growing Threat of Totalitarianism Dear DAVIA member, As you know, DAVIA has done several press releases that reveal the feminist role in promoting totalitarian policies around the world: August 26: Are Feminist Activists Moving Us Towards a Police State?  June 7: The Guardian Resorts to Orwellian Propaganda to Pad

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