The King’s School headmaster Tony George says society ‘is in the middle of a genderism experiment’ 25Nov23 The Australian

The removal of fathers in families and men in the workforce was amongst the goals of the feminist brigade. For the past few years, especially since the emergence of the White Ribbon campaign, we have seen the ultimate attack play out. Moving into our schools in order to change our boys, remove their pride in

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Anti-male myth of patriarchy has taken hold in our modern culture | The Australian 25Nov23 J Albrechtsen

What a wonderful article from Janet Albrechtsen! Please pass this on to everyone. It is worth reading and remembering. Sue Price Most men are good, decent blokes. Why drag them all down? Men don’t deserve to be tainted by a few bad apples, private boys schools shouldn’t be besmirched, then dismantled, because a few students

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Silencing opinions!

It doesn’t seem to me that The Australian likes my comments on their articles. Yesterday I responded to Janet Albrechtsen’s article about the Anti-male myth of patriarchy, but it has been rejected. Saying too much negative about women in the comparison perhaps??? Anti-male myth of patriachy has taken hold in our modern culture | The

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Men’s welfare at the mercy of feminist ideology Angela Shanahan 18Nov23

2500 men’s shoes have been placed in the lawns at the front of Australia’s Parliament House. Each shoe represents a man or boy who has taken their life during this past year. Hopefully the politicians will take notice and realise as Angela Shanahan writes ….. the changes to the Family Law Reform Act do not

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Why Fathers Matter – Dr Anna Machin Nov 2023

Why Fathers Matter – Dr Anna Machin | Modern Wisdom 680 – YouTube Dr Anna Machin dispels the damaging myths used to expel fathers from their children’s lives in an interview with Chris Williamson. “Anna Machin is an evolutionary anthropologist at Oxford University, a researcher into the role of fatherhood across time and an author.

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Judging Vasta – Rebecca Ananian-Welsh 6Aug 2019

Judging Vasta • Inside Story NATIONAL AFFAIRS Judging Vasta What can we learn from this widely criticised member of the judiciary? REBECCA ANANIAN-WELSH 6 AUGUST 2019 1994 WORDS Briefed: Salvatore Vasta in his days as a barrister with the Queensland Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Newspix SHARE      Back in 1989, Angelo Vasta became the first

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Masculinity isn’t toxic, it’s the tonic society needs. An interview with therapist, Professor Miles Groth. November 2023

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Mothers Who Kill Their Ex-Husbands to Gain Child Custody – US -SAVE 22Oct23 SAVE October 22, 2023 The ultimate form of parental alienation occurs when a parent kills the other parent so they don’t have to share custody of their children. These homicides typically involve a mother who kills, or arranges for someone else to kill, their ex-husband. The common theme that runs through these cases is

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Angry feminists re-target Lehrmann-31Oct2023 Paul Collits- Politicom

Latest Queensland legislation now allows anyone charged with rape, sexual assault, attempt to commit rape and assault with intent to commit rape will be allowed to be publicly identified prior to trial from today. So we now ensure the ruination of a person’s life prior to evidence being heard. These are allegations that never fully

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The World’s Worst Family Law System: The Death Spiral of Australia’s Albanese Government John Stapleton 22Oct23

By John Stapleton Australia has the world’s highest electricity costs, highest housing costs, slowest and most expensive internet, most insane immigration system and consequently one of the most fractured societies on Earth. And is one of the most heavily taxed and over regulated communities. And if not always technically true on every metric, you get

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