Fathers’ Rights Groups in Australia and their Engagement with Issues in Family Law

There is a constant and persistent view pursued by people who are often discontented litigants sometimes obviously dysfunctional, that the court is in some sense designed by anti-family groups to destroy the institution of the family in society… An unfortunate concomitant of this approach is that some people and some politicians with limited knowledge of the issues involved, tend to latch on to such dysfunctional persons for apparent political gain. This has the further unfortunate effect of empowering such persons to feel that their behaviour is not only acceptable but is the subject of sympathy and approval by politicians and government. It is all too often the experience of this court that its most persistent critics have behaved in a way which cannot stand up to public scrutiny, particularly in relation to issues of violence against women and children. Such persons, who often espouse the rights of fathers, do very little for their cause

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Child sexual abuse by women: The sexual abuse by women of children and teenagers

Warning: This programme contains explicit descriptions of attacks and the emotional and physical damage they have caused, which some viewers/readers may find distressing. Narrator: The sexual abuse of children by women was once thought to be so rare it could be ignored. Today the victims tell a different story. Woman: You knew when my mum

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Wimping on child support – 1997

The Melbourne Coroner heard the sad story of a man who hanged himself in a police cell after two years of being denied access to his three children. One more victim adding weight to the continuing public concern about gross inequities in the treatment of non-custodial parents after divorce.
By the end of the day, the Howard Government had struck another blow to the campaign promoting the rights of non-custodial parents. In announcing changes to the Child Support Scheme, it wimped out.

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Men Battered by their wives – Barbara Walters ABC TV – USA

Barbara Walters: We focus a lot of attention on battered women in our society, because their plight is so common. But strange as it may sound, MEN are also victims of spousal abuse in surprisingly high numbers. Commentator: If you find this hard to believe .. that a woman smaller and weaker than a man

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There are always winners and losers in Family Court – 1997

Child custody disputes are undoubtedly the biggest single cause of friction in the aftermath of a marriage break-up and are probably the most significant factor in the Family Court’s poor standing among many non-custodial parents. A recent paper prepared for the Federal Government discussed opening up the Family Court to more regular and more enlightening

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Government Inquiry – Gold Coast Safe Cities Project 1997

Effects of Divorce and Separation on Children:
Safe Cities Project looks for ways to make the Gold Coast a safer place to live.
The Effects of Divorce and Separation on Children
During the seventies and eighties, popular opinion and research of the day tried desperately to prove that children did not suffer any ill-effects from separation and divorce. Some later researchers, even though acknowledging separation does affect children, were keen to show the damage children suffer takes place during the conflict before separation and that divorce provides some relief.

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False Allegations of Child Abuse for Legal / Custodial / Financial Advantage in Family Courts

False allegations are being used by elements of the legal fraternity and by many malicious ex-wives to gain legal, custodial and financial (property) advantage.
Canadian Senator Anne Cools introduced a Senate Bill (S-4) that provides for penalties for false accusations in family law cases.

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