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High Wired update: Male studies maelstrom

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/high-wired/high-wired-update-male-studies-maelstrom/story-fnizwcu6-1226801282251 High Wired update: Male studies maelstrom GETTING to the truth of the men’s health course; changes afoot at Monash; and painful logo explanations. Men’s

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Industry CEO complains to Qantas and Virgin

The Qantas policy appears to promote a message that men cannot be trusted when children are involved and your organisation from its public response seems ambivalent to the notion that there is this clear link in this concept. The perception from outside is that the company has merely applied some damage control to the issue in the hope that it may just go away.

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Australia's national, non-profit organisation providing a better outcome for men and their families.