Family Separation

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Distraught MP to face court – 2000 Victorian Labor MP Greg Wilton will appear in the GeelongMagistrates Court tomorrow after being found in his car in a distressedstate with his young

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Preventing Parentectomy Following Divorce

Parentectomy is the removal, erasure, or severe diminution of a caring parent in a child’s life, following separation or divorce.
Parentectomy covers a large range of parent removal from partial parentectomy, “You may visit your Daddy or Mommy every other Sunday”; to total parentectomy, as in Parental Alienation Syndrome, described by Gardner; or complete parent absence or removal. The victims of parentectomy are the children and the parents so severed from each other’s lives. A parentectomy is the most cruel infringement upon children’s rights to be carried out against human children by human adults. Parentectomies are psychologically lethal to children and parents.

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