Sydney University board blocks men’s society For the first time in over a decade, the Board of the University of Sydney Union (USU) has rejected an application for a new For the first time in over a decade, the Board of the University of Sydney Union (USU) has rejected an application for a new
“In a Closed System, Stupidity Tends to Increase Until It Reaches a Maximum” Long-time readers, if there is one, will notice that I have
Quote: To be clear, although feminism purports to be either pro-woman or pro-equality, it is an ideology, almost a religion, carrying a set of assumptions which when applied to writing on almost any topic perverts the meaning of such writing.
Barbara Kay: Ryerson drags men’s issues group through the wringer **UPDATE: Ryerson administration has confirmed that the university will be absorbing the cost of High Wired update: Male studies maelstrom GETTING to the truth of the men’s health course; changes afoot at Monash; and painful logo explanations. Men’s
The world-wide boys’ crisis – why it is happening. . . and what can be done about it!Your invitation to a special evening with academic
The peak national forum promoting a social approach to male health and wellbeing CLICK ON THIS LINK BELOW TO SIGN THE
Variations on these injustices fill the family court literature. Stats Canada does not keep separate tabs on custody-linked suicides. But Australia, a country much like our own in this regard, does — and there are about 20 hardship-related suicides a week.
Two years ago, British Airways found itself accused of blatant discrimination when flight attendants asked a male passenger to move away from sitting next to an unaccompanied
How to save your kids, your money and your sanity, A well written, sensitive and sensible guide to separation, children, property settlement and divorce. It
Australia's national, non-profit organisation providing a better outcome for men and their families.
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