Men’s Issues

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When work is hazardous to a man’s reproductive health

Surely a man’s occupation could not influence his reproductive health. Wrong. Concern about sperm has blossomed with the advent of IVF – In Vitro Fertilisation.
Before that, infertility was often considered a female problem, but IVF professionals report a significant and perhaps increasing proportion of cases in which there are problems with sperm. Debate rages about whether male fertility is on the decline.

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Men Alone and at Risk –

“Our darling Greg died of a broken heart,” announced the death notice placed by his mother and sister when Federal MP Greg Wilton killed himself last year. Wilton’s death attracted massive publicity, highlighting the marriage break-up and loss of his children as events precipitating his drastic action. Three weeks earlier Wilton was found in a distressed state in a car with his two young children.
Greg Wilton, 44, was well aware of the vulnerability of men in his situation. Three years earlier he gave a speech in parliament commenting on a report on youth suicide, pointing out that the group at greatest risk of killing themselves were adult men.

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Distraught MP to face court – 2000 Victorian Labor MP Greg Wilton will appear in the GeelongMagistrates Court tomorrow after being found in his car in a distressedstate with his young

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Men Behaving Sadly

Why does nobody care about men killing themselves? There’s immense public concern about youth suicide. Australia has spent more than $31million over the past four

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