Parental Alienation

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Frustrated Father Protests Parental Alienation by Shutdown of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

A man describing himself as ex-military has been charged following a daring protest that closed the Sydney Harbour Bridge in both directions this morning.
The man, identified as Michael Fox, was charged with obstructing traffic, climbing or jumping from buildings or other structures, and climbing on bridges, a police spokeswoman said.
He was refused bail to appear at Central Local Court today, she said.

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Preventing Parentectomy Following Divorce

Parentectomy is the removal, erasure, or severe diminution of a caring parent in a child’s life, following separation or divorce.
Parentectomy covers a large range of parent removal from partial parentectomy, “You may visit your Daddy or Mommy every other Sunday”; to total parentectomy, as in Parental Alienation Syndrome, described by Gardner; or complete parent absence or removal. The victims of parentectomy are the children and the parents so severed from each other’s lives. A parentectomy is the most cruel infringement upon children’s rights to be carried out against human children by human adults. Parentectomies are psychologically lethal to children and parents.

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