Doubts, devastation and a designer coat: the story you haven’t heard

Janet Albrechtsen from the Australian has interviewed Linda Reynolds extensively about the Higgins v Lehrmann incident. However, despite the last paragraph focussing on Linda Reynolds commentary as per the following “We talk about why conservative women are treated so differently by the media, and in politics. “We are expendable,” she says. “Our story is ignored,

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Winner takes all: Labor’s new family law bill panders to feminists by pushing divorced dads out of children’s lives.

Open in app or online Winner takes all Labor’s new family law bill panders to feminists by pushing divorced dads out of children’s lives. Bettina Arndt Feb 8     Save ▷  Listen   This week a television crew from the Japanese public broadcaster came to Sydney to interview family law specialist Justin Dowd, a former

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Augusto Zimmermann  – the Epoch Times and Men’s Rights Agency Facebook page Submissions on the Australian government’s draft Family Law Amendment Bill are due by Feb. 27. There is much to be concerned about in Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’s draft amendment. But perhaps its most problematic aspect is the proposal to remove the order for “equal

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Family Court Reform, suicide – Social Defeat for Men

PDF click to read: Family court reform, suicide and “Repeated Social Defeat” for men John Davis ABSTRACT Fifty years of feminism in Western culture has set men up to fail in our family court systems. Feminism has been, since its inception, a political device for dividing men and women. Family courts have become gynocentric tools

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John Davis ABSTRACT Fifty years of feminism in Western culture has set men up to fail in our family court systems. Feminism has been, since its inception, a political device for dividing men and women. Family courts have become gynocentric tools for divorcing spouses to abuse men. Mainstream commentators increasingly understand that the family court

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‘Professional misconduct’: Lehrmann takes on ACT DPP

EXCLUSIVE   JANET ALBRECHTSEN STEPHEN RICE The Australian Bruce Lehrmann has lodged a formal complaint of professional misconduct against ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold SC, alleging Mr Drumgold failed to ensure a fair trial over the Brittany Higgins rape allegations and that his conduct was driven by malice and “political interests”. The explosive

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  JESS MALCOLM The Australian 1/2/23 Former attorney-general Philip Ruddock says children should not be denied the opportunity to have an equal relationship with both parents in custody disputes amid an ongoing debate over Labor’s push to amend the Family Law Act. The former Liberal minister, who presided over the portfolio when the Howard government

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Mums and dads should have parenting skills independently assessed

Mums and dads would have their parenting skills tested by independent experts in custody battles under a new suggestion. Susie O’Brien Follow @susieob 2 min read February 1, 2023 – 1:44PM 0 comments The federal government is reviewing the family law system. Mothers and fathers going through the Family Court should have their parental skills assessed to

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Justice in a fraught sphere of law

Letters to the Editor, The Australian 31Jan23 2 HOURS AGO “more than 80 per cent of families in the Family Court had identified family violence as an issue for them” I worked in Legal Aid for many years.  Particularly when it came to custody of children, I’m sorry to say that a large number of

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The Australian Government’s Ceaseless Demonisation of Men By Sue Price: Men’s Rights Agency. 31Jan2023 The more things change the more they stay the same. There’s an old saying: in times of crisis clichés come true. This country seems to have forgotten two time worn adages: There are two sides to every story. Two wrongs don’t make a right. The massive femocracy

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