Rejecting Feminism – I Lost All My Friends In The Culture War

Evie Magazine BY ROBYN RILEY· Dec 17th 2020·  12 min read A great political sifting is occurring, which is separating like with like, separating mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, friendships decades-long — all on the basis of politics. Not since the last Civil War have citizens been so at each other’s throats over ideological disagreements, and

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‘You moll’: BMW driving legal secretary hit husband, ‘mistress’

A Brisbane legal secretary drove her BMW into her husband and a woman, before throwing punches and screaming “You moll”, a court has heard. Kay DibbenCourt reporter 2 min read March 28, 2021 – 12:00AM The Sunday Mail (Qld) David Larkin and Christie Lee Kennedy. A mother accused of driving her BMW at speed into

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Truth and commonsense from Mark Latham 28 March 2021 The media love to generalise and the media loves to misrepresent. In particular, the bias of the ABC on the ‘gender wars’ in Canberra has been extraordinary. At the last Federal election, the ABC ran a deeply biased campaign in favour of Labor and the Greens.

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False Allegations: The Curse of Australia’s Men

False Allegations: The Curse of Australia’s Men By Sue Price False Allegations: The Curse of Australia’s Men | ( Published in John Stapleton’s A Sense of Place Magazine Australia is now in the grip of a swarm of unsubstantiated allegations which have currently pushed aside both the Federal Defence Minister and the Attorney General, and

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Contact Peter Dutton re capitulation over false allegations against Attorney General

The Hon Peter Dutton MP Minister for Home Affairs Dear Peter, It is many months and several years since I had the opportunity of meeting with you at the opening of the Strathpine Family Relationship Centre. I feel I  have no other option, but to appeal to someone who may understand the disappointment we are

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Woman fails to prove she was still a de facto spouse, loses right to $1.6m estate

A woman has lost her claim on the estate of a man she had not lived with for eight years, in a decision that has significance for de facto couples separated by ill health after a lengthy relationship. Kay Dibben Court reporter 2 min read March 21, 2021 – 11:54AM An elderly woman has failed to

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Wife allegedly runs over husband and ‘mistress’ at Wavell Heights

A Brisbane mother-of-two allegedly drove her car at her husband of nine years and a woman she believed was his “mistress’’, leaving the pair in hospital after she caught them in an “extremely upsetting” scene.Kay Dibben Kay Dibben 2 min read March 20, 2021 – 1:18PM A mother-of-two, who allegedly drove her car at her

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French schoolgirl admits she lied – schoolteacher was beheaded!

Raymond Kevon Morgan   Domestic Violence Against Men Group 17 March at 07:54  ·  Phenomenalact 17 March at 05:00  ·  “A French schoolgirl has admitted lying about a teacher who was beheaded after her false complaints led to an online hate campaign against him. “The unidentified girl had claimed Samuel Paty asked Muslim pupils to leave the class before showing an image depicting

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‘Stern sentence’: Jessica Camilleri gets 21 years jail for decapitating mother

By Jenny Noyes March 12, 2021 — 11.54am A woman who killed her mother in a frenzied and unprovoked stabbing attack has been sentenced to a maximum of 21 years and seven months in prison in what a Supreme Court judge said was “as serious an example of manslaughter as there can be”. Jessica Camilleri used

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