Stop the War on Dads – part 1
Posted by Pete McMurdie Stop the War on Dads, produced in the UK, but no different to the situation in Australia. Pete McMurdie 28 April 2018 STOP THE WAR ON DADS part 1
Posted by Pete McMurdie Stop the War on Dads, produced in the UK, but no different to the situation in Australia. Pete McMurdie 28 April 2018 STOP THE WAR ON DADS part 1
George Christensen addressed Federal Parliament about the Labour party’s proposed changed to the Family Law Act that broadened and elevated the issue of domestic violence in 2011. He calls it The Feminist Trojan Horse in Family Law. He is absolutely right in what he says. Federal Member for Dawson George Christensen attacks the Gillard Labor
Relationship troubles, not mental health, lie behind the plague of male suicides, writes Bettina Arndt. Bettina ArndtColumnist Jul 10, 2019 — 12.00am Imagine the outcry if a man was appointed head of a leading domestic violence prevention organisation? So how come the federal government has just proudly announced a woman, Christine Morgan, as National Suicide
Exclusive by the Specialist Reporting Team’s Emily Clark with additional reporting by Heidi Davoren ABC News Updated 4 Sep 2018, 8:00amTue 4 Sep 2018, 8:00am Photo: As part of family law matters, children and their parents are often assessed by practitioners who prepare a report for the judge. (ABC News: Natasha Johnson) Related Story: Sweeping Augusto Zimmermann 11 November 2019 I have recently prepared my submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee regarding Australia’s Family Law System. It summarises a number of issues concerning the operation of the family law system. I consider it important that my recommendation to this inquiry is taken into proper consideration. In this submission,
Gary Bentley is fighting for changes to help people, especially Aboriginal women, who are possibly involved in violent relationships that could lead to homicide. Picture: Matthew Poon exclusive Nicola Berkovic LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT @NicBerko 11:05AM January 20, 2020 Almost half of all people killed by intimate partners are indigenous or overseas-born, which has prompted
An article from the Huffinton Post – USA – same system applies in Australia! Orders of Protection are critical to the safety of many. Some people claim that they are simply pieces of paper that mean nothing… By Liz Mandarano Family and Matrimonial Lawyer 04/13/2011 07:18pm EDT | Updated June 13, 2011 This post was published
University of Queensland dean of law Patrick Parkinson. Picture: James Croucher Nicola Berkovic LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT @NicBerko 9:06PM December 26, 2019 12 Comments Some family law judges are handling double as many cases as they should, risking “dangerously poor decision-making”, a leading family law academic says. University of Queensland dean of law Patrick Parkinson said
Published on December 21, 2019 written by Bettina Arndt As 2019 draws to a close, the manufactured rape crisis on Australian university campuses has suffered an important setback. Last month, a Queensland Supreme Court ruled that universities have no jurisdiction to adjudicate sexual assault. This prompted a major speech by the Federal Education Minister in
No doubt about it – Prof Augusto Zimmermann is one brave man! Just wait for the torrent of abuse and the attempts to dislodge him from his academic position. Let’s give him all the support we can! Of course, they are misinterpreting what he is saying. I do not believe he is saying return to