Mother accused of killing three-year-old daughter after losing bitter custody battle with ex-partner

Tamara Gurney is facing charges of murder in the death of her three-year-old Iyla, who she allegedly ran away with after her breakup with the child’s father. By Akshay Pai Published on : 04:48 PST, Aug 26, 2019 An Australian woman has been accused of murdering her three-year-old daughter after losing a bitter custody battle

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Trump admin changes definitions of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Trump administration ‘rolling back women’s rights by 50 years’ by changing definitions of domestic violence and sexual assault ‘I was massively surprised and really shocked. It’s quite scary how quietly it’s happened. It’s a massive step backwards. We have literally gone back to the 70s,’ says academic Maya Oppenheim Women’s Correspondent @mayaoppenheim Thursday 24

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Let us now praise masculine men

Janet AlbrechtsenFollow @jkalbrechtsen Colleagues Lee Cuthbert, Paul O’Shaughnessy and Alex Roberts, who captured Mert Ney. Picture: Jane Dempster 12:00AM August 17, 2019 415 Comments On Tuesday afternoon a handful of men ran into the face of danger. Going about their business only seconds before, they confronted a man brandishing a bloody knife, pinning him down

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Child-Support Payments and Parental Alienation

15th August 2019 Comments (1) Quadrant Augusto Zimmermann Parental alienation can devastate the relationship between parents and children. It can be a central issue in child custody disputes. There is, however, an apparent link between the child support scheme and malicious attempts by some custodial parents to completely eradicate the relationship between the child and the other

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Raising funds

UPDATE: a milestone has been reached – we’re halfway with the fundraising $2510.   We now have fund raising on three different platforms, GoFundme; GoGetfunding and Facebook under the heading “Parental Alienation Case – Dad needs funds”. (I changed the title but couldn’t change the url for some reason, but it will take you through

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Pro Bono Legal Assistance required

On occasions, we have fathers who do not have the funds available to employ a solicitor and/or a barrister, but their claims would appear to be genuine. Their love for their children and their concern for their safety once they have been removed from the home or prevented from having free access to their children

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The cost of Gillette’s wokeness revealed: a non-cash writedown of $12 billion

3:27PM August 8, 2019 Remember the Gillette commercial  that attempted to virtue signal changes that in their opinion, men needed to make, we’re delighted to reproduce this article from The Australian announcing the $12 billion loss Gillette has incurred! Once upon a time there was a man called John. He had a wife and two

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Judge calls rape case evidence law an ‘affront to justice’

A man accused of rape will be forced to defend himself in court without being allowed to tell the jury about the alleged victim’s history of making false allegations to police, in a situation the judge has labelled an “affront to justice”. A NSW judge has called for law reform after he was forced to

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Private school principal issues stern rebuke to warring parents

By Jordan Baker – Sydney Morning Herald August 7, 2019 — 12.00am View all comments The head of one of Sydney’s top private schools has warned that denying children access to their fathers when the parents’ relationships break down can lead to girls seeking “inappropriate contact” with other males, and boys rejecting their mothers. In

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#MeToo lost integrity when it turned on Lady Justice

Jennifer Oriel Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testify. 12:00AM August 5, 2019 368 Comments In the early days of the #MeToo movement, women sought solidarity by sharing experiences of sexual abuse online. In the dying days of the movement, women sought publicity by holding famous men guilty without charge. The fate of #MeToo

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