USA – Kansas Lawmakers make history with passage of shared parenting bill

Last week members of the senate judicial committee made history when they became the first lawmakers to favorably pass a shared parenting bill in Kansas. SB 157 was filed in February with a stunning 17 bipartisan sponsors. Shared parenting (equal physical time with two fit parents after divorce/separation) has widespread support among men and women,

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Man wrongly jailed for 32 days after wife’s fake rape claim sues government

A man who spent 32 days in jail after his paediatrician wife faked a rape claim against him is suing the NSW Government. Marnie O’Neillmarnieoneill7 MARCH 28, 2019 1:20PM The man is suing the NSW Government for more than $500,000 after his horrific ordeal, which saw him wrongly jailed for more than a month. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

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Dear Men: Don’t Be Ashamed Of Your Masculinity

By Madison Gesiotto·Feb 21st 2019· 4 min read There is a war on masculinity occurring right in front of our eyes, and many are doing nothing about it. Are we going to sit by and let good men be dishonestly destroyed in the name of feminism and #MeToo? For years, feminists have told us that

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Why it is too easy for innocent people to be wrongly accused of sexual abuse

TOPICS:BBCCrimewatchDr Ros BurnettUniversity of OxfordUniversity of Oxford Centre for Criminology Posted By: admin May 2, 2017 At the end of last month a special BBC Crimewatch programme with a helpline invited callers to report non-recent sexual offence, and on the same day (February 27) the first public hearing of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual

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“Abused by my Girlfriend” BBC Documentary

A must watch for everyone…for those who know that men are victims of domestic violence from their partners, this true story will provide further understanding of the devious, terrifyingly violent methods used by his girlfriend to totally control and intimidate her partner and for those who deny the existence of male victims of domestic violence,

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Senator David Leyonhjelm fearless in his questioning of bureaucrats

Posted online two weeks ago – Senator David Leyonhjelm fearless again in Estimates Hearing with his forthright questioning of bureaucrats from the Office Of the PM on spending taxpayer funds to gain White Ribbon workplace accreditation. They squirm all over the place trying to avoid his questioning, especially when it comes to asking why they

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Dad wins $447k payout after wife lied about paternity of their three kids

A man has successfully sued his ex-wife after discovering she’d lied to him for more than two decades. But the cost of the truth has proved bigger than his bank balance. Emma James The Sun January 7, 20199:20 Millionaire wins $447,000 payout from ex wife after she ‘tricked’ him into believing three sons were his

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Research confirms 5 uncomfortable facts about young male suicide

Researchers in the US have confirmed five well established but commonly overlooked facts about suicide in younger men. The ground-breaking study of children and younger adults (12 to 29 years) focused on suicide deaths of LGBT young people. In the process, the study shed light on suicides among “non-LGBT” males and females. Unless otherwise stated,

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Trump administration ‘rolling back women’s rights by 50 years’ by changing definitions of domestic violence and sexual assault

‘I was massively surprised and really shocked. It’s quite scary how quietly it’s happened. It’s a massive step backwards. We have literally gone back to the 70s,’ says academic Maya Oppenheim Women’s Correspondent @mayaoppenheim Thursday 24 January 2019 17:47 The Independent US Donald Trump’s decision to change definitions of domestic violence and sexual assault has rolled

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Well done, feminism. Now men are afraid to help women at work

News that men are too fearful of a trip to HR to help out their female colleagues is final proof that the gender equality project has backfired, writes Martin Daubney Men are too paranoid about sexual harassment claims to lend a helping hand in the workplace Originally published :   1:14PM BST 01 Oct 2015 A

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