Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’

NewsFamilyThu Jan 10, 2013 – 8:02 pm EST marriage           While more young women say that having a successful marriage is important, fewer men share that goal. Fewer young men in the US want to get married than ever, while the desire for marriage is rising among young women, according to

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Interview with Janice Fiamengo

Message from Bettina Arndt   Well, I finally managed to interview Janice Fiamengo this week after various attempts in the past which floundered over internet problems. I’m sure she will need no introduction for many of you who are familiar with her YouTube channel, The Fiamengo Files.   But for those of you who haven’t

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Peter Ridd Wins Biggest Victory On Free Speech In A Generation

Gideon Rozner 16 April 2019 , IPA TODAY, PUBLICATIONS, Media Releases, RESEARCH AREAS, Climate Change, Freedom of Speech Share: The Institute of Public Affairs has today welcomed the historic judgement in the case of Peter Ridd vs James Cook University (JCU) with Judge Vasta finding that Peter Ridd was wrongly dismissed by JCU. “This judgement

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Women Bark, Men Bite

Women bark, Men bite. Controversial media Award winner Adele Horin (Right) Adele Horin, writer for the Sydney Morning Herald, is no stranger to the trappings of wish-fulfilment journalism. For many journalists, you see what you need to see, and in the case of Adele Horin, men are inherently evil, as one can see from the litany of her work.

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Divorce using allegations of domestic violence (US)

The Domestic Violence Parallel Track Part of Real World Divorce: web edition | Kindle edition   “Your typical divorce plaintiff wants four things: (1) the house, (2) the kids, (3) the husband’s paycheck, and (4) freedom to spend time in the house with her boyfriend,” said one attorney. “It might take her two years to

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The Good in Men, please read and watch.

Remember, Ilan from Egard Watch Company? He produced a brilliant video called “We see the good” in  response to the negative portrayal of men in a video made and widely distributed by Gillette Ilan has received many emails and contacts praising “We see the good” and this has encouraged him to take this much further.

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Man wrongly jailed for 32 days after wife’s fake rape claim sues government

A man who spent 32 days in jail after his paediatrician wife faked a rape claim against him is suing the NSW Government. Marnie O’Neill@marnieoneill7 28, 201912:20pm The man is suing the NSW Government for more than $500,000 after his horrific ordeal, which saw him wrongly jailed for more than a month. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

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Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun January 28, 2019 6:16am Weaponising allegations of sexual abuse. And another reason not to assume an allegation is fact: A MOTHER has lost custody of her daughter for “demonising’’ the girl’s father as a sexually abusive “monster”. The Federal Circuit Court has declared the woman to be a vexatious litigant after

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Family law reform appears doomed

Attorney-General Christian Porter Comments Share this article Facebook Twitter Email Print The Morrison government’s signature reforms to restructure the family law courts appear to be dead in the water. Attorney-General Christian Porter yesterday failed to secure the support of crossbench senators to bring the government’s bill to a vote today, to scrap the Family Court

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Men finally admit to being bullied by their exes over child access, money and love

Consumer Watch Foundation  19th March 2019                   More dads are becoming victims of bullying as their partners threaten to restrict access to children, legal experts say in a new report. The shock report says men are being bullied over money, access to their children and are even

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