Why aren’t we talking about abusive mums?

  June 19, 20175:12pm Abusive mothers are a very real problem and we have to start talking about it to be able to help. Corrine BarracloughKidspot.com.au DID you know children are more likely to be harmed by their biological mother than father? Neither did I until very recently. But why am I surprised — and

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USA landmark case, Michelle Carter convicted for urging her boyfriend to commit suicide

No matter that she was an hour away at the time, Michelle Carter has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for urging her 18-year boyfriend to kill himself. So ruled US juvenile court Judge Lawrence Moniz in Bristol County, Massachusetts, in a landmark criminal case that could have a wider impact on how courts view suicide

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Tell George Brandis and Malcolm Turnbull we want Dr. Zimmermann as President of the Human Rights Commission.

 Feel free to sign the petition if you wish to express your support for Dr Augusto Zimmerman to be the next President of the Australian Human Rights Commission. Please click at:   https://www.change.org/p/george-brandis-appoint-augusto-zimmermann-as-human-rights-commission-president Appoint Augusto Zimmermann as Human Rights Commission President   Appoint Dr. Zimmermann Now Australia   Five years ago, Gillian Triggs took charge

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Channel 7: Fire Andrew O”Keefe from Sunrise

I just signed the petition “Channel 7 : Fire Andrew O’Keefe from Sunrise” and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name. Our goal is to reach 7,500 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/channel-7-fire-andrew-o-keefe-from-sunrise?recruiter=395233035&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=share_email_responsive&utm_term=campaigns_digest Andrew O’keefe conducted an appalling rude interview with

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Andrew O’Keefe patronises The Red Pill’s Cassie Jaye on Weekend Sunrise

Cassie Jaye (right) is interviewed on Channel 7’s Weekend Sunrise The Mocker@Oz_Mocker “Personally, it horrifies me to think that my girl would be ever be attacked or belittled by a man she loved, or by anyone,” wrote former White Ribbon Foundation chairman and current co-host of Weekend Sunrise Andrew O’Keefe in 2014. “Do I show

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Adulthood wellbeing lower for single-parent kids – new research

  People who grew up in single-parent families have lower levels of wellbeing and life satisfaction in adulthood, new University of Warwick research shows Individuals brought up by a single parent earn 30% less, are 9% less likely to be in a romantic relationship and have fewer friends, researchers find 20% of children in Germany

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Cassie Jaye correctly IDs Batty’s son as the victim of DV

MSN  reports she stunned the “Project panel into silence over insensitive Rosie Batty comments”. © Bauer Media Waleed Aly.  The Project panel was shocked into silence during an uneasy interview with a controversial, anti-feminism movie director.Cassie Jaye was on the show to discuss her meninist film The Red Pill which focuses on the men’s rights

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The role of male shame in violent incidents like the Lindt Cafe siege

Along with most Australians, I felt relief at the Coroner’s report on the Lindt Cafe tragedy. For all the shocking failures that it exposed, it at least gave a sense that the truth could be told, and to the bereaved families, some resolution offered. On closer reading though, I was alarmed at how superficially the

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The men’s rights brigade break the media gag

Tom Pirrone 13 June 2017 8:04 PM After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill- the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Misogynistic,

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UK – Mum Danielle Morris who faked DNA paternity test jailed

http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-40250820 . Liverpool Echo Image caption Morris initially told Mr Somers he was not the father before changing her story the following year A woman who faked a paternity test to fool an ex-partner into believing he was her baby’s father has been jailed. Danielle Morris, from Seaforth, Merseyside, initially told Jamie Somers in May

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