USA Universities pay the price for false allegations – Australia should take note!

Mattress girl saga a warning to unis on sexual assault cases Emma Sulkowicz carries a mattress in protest against what she has called Columbia University’s lack of action. Columnist @thebettinaarndt Last week the long saga over the Columbia University mattress girl came to an end. It was a costly lesson for the New York university

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Links – useful information Only just discovered this brilliant site put together by Andrew Rogers LL.B N.P, a solicitor in South Australia. Open access to sections for Lawyers, the general public covering all Australian States and all areas of law. Have a look, explore and be amazed at how much information is now at your fingertips. Child

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Exposure Draft of the Family Law Amendment (Family Violence and Cross-examination of Parties) Bill 2017

The Attorney-General has released an Exposure Draft of the Family Law Amendment (Family Violence and Cross-examination of Parties) Bill 2017 (‘the Bill’). The Bill contains proposed amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) to address stakeholder and community concerns regarding direct cross-examination of parties in family law court proceedings involving family violence. The Government

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The unbelievers – They were jailed for monstrous crimes against their daughter.

Unbelievers: coach, some family say ‘sadistic father’ is innocent They were jailed for monstrous crimes against their daughter. Yet this elite coach and his wife say they are innocent. On a muggy February morning five years ago in regional NSW, nine police officers from Strike Force Willbe converged on a bushland property that had been

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Exposing extreme ideologies: Hoax article published in peer-reviewed journal

The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct: A Sokal-Style Hoax on Gender Studies Note from the editor: Every once in awhile it is necessary and desirable to expose extreme ideologies for what they are by carrying out their arguments and rhetoric to their logical and absurd conclusion, which is why we are proud to publish

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One-parent family ‘sets kids up for less in life’

Children of one-parent families earn less, have fewer friends and are more likely to be single, a study shows. Adults who were born into a single-parent home earn 27 per cent less than those whose parents stayed together, a report by the University of Warwick in the UK reveals. Having grown up without seeing their

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UK – Finally, our policy-makers are waking up to the plight of male domestic abuse victims

1 Comment The Queen introduced a new Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill on Tuesday   This week, the Queen announced that the Government are going ahead with a new Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill. The aim, broadly speaking, is to bring all the disparate pieces of domestic abuse legislation, policies and guidance together. There will

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Are Traditional Male Role Models Really the Cause of Domestic Violence?

The Sydney Morning Herald recently posted an article by self declared feminist Clementine Ford, claiming that the root cause of violence against women is men’s adherence to traditional male social roles. It’s an emotionally engaging article, Clementine is a powerful writer and she certainly has passion for her beliefs, but it’s also terribly inaccurate. Clementine claimed that  “Masculinity is

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Parliamentary hearing axed over ‘judicial concerns’

A parliamentary committee inquiring into the Family Court and family violence was abruptly cancelled yesterday over fears that members of parliament could be criticised for asking questions of judges. The committee, which is specifically inquiring into the family law system, had months ago invited the Chief Justice of the Family Court, Diana Bryant, and the

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