Stop stacking the legal deck against dads

  Photo: Shutterstock As a family-law attorney, it’s been my passion to meet fathers who exhibit the unyielding desire to win custody — or, at the very least, enforce their visitation and decision-making rights in the lives of their children after divorce. This Sunday, there will be many men spending Father’s Day without the ability

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One in Three Campaign launches Respectful Relationship poster series for young males One in Three has produced a series of seven free  digital poster designs aimed at educating boys and young men about respectful and healthy relationships. Covering issues such as sexual abuse/unwanted sex, social abuse/isolation and physical and emotional abuse, the posters aim to encourage young males not to accept unhealthy or abusive behaviours in their relationships.

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Australian feminist attacks integrity of advocacy group for male victims of domestic violence    In her article entitled ‘The ‘One in Three’ claim about male domestic violence victims is a myth‘, Jane Gilmore launched a full-frontal attack on the integrity of Australia’s key advocacy group for male victims of domestic violence, and of the men’s rights movement (MRM) generally. But more than that, Jane did exactly what feminists

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End the war on deadbeat dads (or fathers who cannot afford to pay)

 An interesting response to an article written by Tina Dupuy, who was raised in family where her father did not support his children. Despite this she is absolutely correct in saying : None of this is in the best interests of the children. None of this makes their lives better—or more secure, comfortable or hopeful.

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Fatherlessness linked to increased risk of child abuse

For years, fathers’ groups have complained that restraining orders, intended as a shield against domestic violence, are often misused by unscrupulous pseudo-victims and over-zealous courts.[1] However, whenever these groups request that fathers should have more time to spend with their children after divorce, feminist groups argue that those children will be exposed to more violence.[2]

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Why men won’t get married anymore: Women complain chaps today won’t settle down. Sorry, ladies, but it’s all your fault, argues a wickedly provocative new book

A controversial new book argues that the triumph of feminism has meant men are now second-class citizens.  On Saturday, in our first extract, it laid bare how men are abused, belittled and exploited. Today, it shows how men are treated unfairly in marriage and fatherhood.        According to the Office for National Statistics,

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Why fathers will always matter  Washington Post  By Kathleen Parker Opinion writer June 17, 2011 This marks my 24th Father’s Day as a columnist, my 26th since my son uttered “Dada“and my 16th since my own father joined the legions of Interesting People in the Hereafter. Which is to say, there seems hardly anything new to add to

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The Tommaso Vincenti Case: His Daughter Speaks Out

Remember this… Four girls taken away from their loving Italian father, Tommaso Vincenti and brought to Australia, by the mother who stopped at nothing to cheat and lie her way home. She lied to the Australian Embassy and they fell for her story without questioning it. She arrived in Australia and the media immediately took her

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Meet the feminist who is sticking up for men Feminist academic Christina Hoff Sommers is attracting attention for speaking out against untruths in the gender equality debate, writes Peter Lloyd For a lot of men, there are two dirty f-words in the English language: the four-letter one we hear at football matches and, at the risk of having faecal matter posted through my

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Why do we believe such terrible things about men that can’t be true?

Femicide has been identified globally as ‘a leading a cause of premature death   for women’, but does such a dramatic statement stand up to scrutiny, asks Neil   Lyndon       Figures from the UN claim that more than one in three of all women is subjected to sexual violence Photo: Alamy   This week, in the New

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