Harvard study says 70 percent of domestic violence is committed by women against men

http://newscastmedia.com/domestic-violence.htm by Joseph Earnest 15 November 2013 Newscast Media HOUSTON—Three years ago I wrote an article based on a scientific study done by Harvard Medical School that revealed domestic violence was not as one-sided as the media often depicts it.  The article to this very day is the second most popular article I’ve written and

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Talking Point: Root causes of domestic violence are ignored by grand plan

http://m.themercury.com.au/news/opinion/talking-point-root-causes-of-domestic-violence-are-ignored-by-grand-plan/story-fnj4f64i-1227485748237   Premier Will Hodgman, Our Watch chairwoman Natasha Stott Despoja and Australian of the Year Rosie Batty after the release of the Government’s domestic violence plan. Picture: RICHARD JUPE POLITICIANS are a shallow lot these days. Good policy, policy based on evidence and on ensuring dealing with existential issues, is jettisoned for headline grabbing

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More mothers kill their children

The main killers of children in Australia, according to the latest statistics from the Australian Institute of Criminology (2010-2012), are:   Mothers (47%, n=20) Fathers (30%, n=13) Mothers’ new male partners (19%, n=8)   The phrase “women and children” excludes the fact that many killers of children are women. By consciously ignoring this fact, Keneally,

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Why men feel aggrieved in family court interventions

http://www.theage.com.au/comment/why-men-feel-aggrieved-in-family-court-interventions-20150810-givcxp.html 11 August 2015 Comments 45 Michael Challinger A legal process to restrain family violence needs to work faster and more fairly. Photo: Intervention orders do more than just restrain violence. Often they separate a man from his children, evict him from his home and deprive him of his property. Photo: Craig Sillitoe My client Tom* was

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Akon Guode charged with murdering three of her children in lake tragedy

Woman charged over Vic lake deaths     A MOTHER has been charged with murdering three of her children after the Wyndham Vale lake tragedy. Akon Guode, 36, faced an out of sessions hearing last night after she was taken into custody at Melbourne West police station just after midday. She was charged with murdering

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The hidden politics of family violence

https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/law-crime/2015/08/08/the-hidden-politics-family-violence/14389560002224?utm_source=The+Saturday+Briefing&utm_campaign=52e799caf8-The_Saturday_Briefing_08_08_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6de0204698-52e799caf8-303191829 Two days before Christmas, the freshly anointed premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, announced the establishment of a royal commission on family violence. “The whole system is broken,” he said. “It doesn’t protect the vulnerable, it doesn’t punish the guilty and more of the same policies will only mean more of the same tragedies.” Andrews

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Mark Latham: campaigns on domestic violence must not miss the real targets

Domestic violence victims in highrisk areas lose out in the focus on false “hot spots”. Georgia Osland One of the fascinating aspects of modern Left-wing culture is the creation of false notions of victimhood. Left-feminists in particular spend a lot of time constructing a world of persecution around themselves.In an era in which women are dominating men in

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Are family law courts biased against men?

  14 Comments MEN GETTING A BAD DEAL: A prominent Family law expert believes men are not getting a fair hearing in divorce matters. Candyboximages   Related Items OPINION: Is the Family Law Court unfair to men? Solicitor supported on claims of bias in Family Law Court   IS OUR family law system unfair to

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‘Deadbeat dads’ face fines in sweeping changes to child support

Parents who refuse to pay child support should be fined while those who waste children’s maintenance money should have the cash quarantined, a federal parliamentary inquiry has recommended in the biggest shake-up of child support in a generation. A crackdown on “deadbeat dads’’ who owe $1.4bn in child support will be recommended by the House

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Parents forcefully blocked from seeing kids could be abuse

http://www.dailymercury.com.au/news/is-parent-alienation-abuse/2675874/ STOPPING parents from seeing their children could fall under the definition of child abuse if George Christensen gets his way.  The Federal Member for Dawson said he would lobby with Victorian independent Senator John Madigan to have the definition of child abuse widened to include parental alienation.  Mr. Christensen said the current system for

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