AIFS “Experiences of Separated Parents Study” reveals high levels of domestic violence against men In October 2015, the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) released its Experiences of Separated Parents Study – part of its evaluation of the 2012 family violence amendments by the Federal Government. The study examined the experiences of two cohorts of parents, in 2012 and 2014, the latter a total of 6,079 parents who

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Rise in men taking out domestic violence orders against mothers and partners at Southport Court

Support workers have expressed doubt about DVOs some men are taking out against their partners. GOLD Coast men are taking out domestic-violence orders against their mothers, partners and relatives but support workers are sceptical of the ­applications’ legitimacy. About 30 per cent of domestic-violence and family protection orders at Southport Magistrates Court in the first

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The ‘agony’ of being a 50/50 mother? Oh please. It’s called equality – and fathers deserve their share just as much as women – Stand By Your Manhood author hits back at mums upset with 50/50 access – Peter Lloyd is incensed that mothers don’t want to give exes equal time – Says the debate shows that feminism isn’t concerned with true equality Just when you think the modern gender debate can’t descend any further into toe-curling

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Rosie Batty is back to change family Law

Good ol’ Rosie Batty is back, using her son’s murder to promote Rosie Batty.   Family violence campaigner Rosie Batty (pictured) will join members of the Women’s Legal Service in Brisbane on Thursday to outline a five-step ‘roadmap’ to improve the family law system Amongst other things, she wants to make it easier to make,

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Demonising men will create culture of fear to harm us all

The Courier Mail- Queensland IN RESPONSE to the growing number of attacks and harassment of women on public transport, Rail Tram and Bus Union National Secretary, Bob Nanva, supported by the NSW Rape Crisis Centre, has proposed female-only pink carriages. Dubbed “Safe carriages”, these would operate after 7pm, have CCTV, alarms, and be located near

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Fiona Richardson’s story fails the gender test

Daniel Andrews today responds to the report from Australia’s first Royal Commission into Family Violence. The Victorian Premier will be joined by Australia’s first Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, Fiona Richardson, who exposed her own family’s violent history on the ABC’s Australian Story this week. Ironically, the program was a classic example of

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Opinion: All men are not bastards, Davo, so don’t tar us all with the same brush

  MEMO to David Morrison. Stop apologising on behalf of all mankind. By all means flog yourself for any ignorance you may harbour, but leave the rest of us out of your remorse. I know that criticising Morrison is to feminists what calling Richie McCaw a cheat is to Kiwis – heresy. But here goes.

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Family court robs men and demeans women by splitting property equally when a marriage ends

Brisbane barrister says he wants to strip the Family Court of its cloak of secrecy and challenge the unethical rule of thumb that property must be split equally when a marriage ends. Rob (not his real name) said he discovered bias, procedural unfairness and improper conduct by an interstate judge during his own divorce proceedings.

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Murder-suicide surviving daughter: “The Family Court completely failed us” Kidspot Editor | 4 February 2016 Grace Cuzens was just 13 years old when her mother murdered her two sisters before taking her own life. Now 17, she has spoken out about her traumatic childhood and the Family Court’s place in it. This article originally appeared on Perth Now by Kate Campbell as Grace Cuzens speaks

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