Cassie Jaye’s Red Pill too truthful for feminists to tolerate

  Cassie Jaye at the world premiere of The Red Pill earlier this month. Picture: Ian Stroud Bettina Arndt Columnist @thebettinaarndt “The Red Pill: The movie about men that feminists didn’t want you to see.” This was the provocative headline that ran in Britain’s The Telegraph last November, a teaser for a documentary made by

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Funding for male victims of DV helps Mark Rayner

Funding for male victims of DV helps Mark Rayner 19 Aug 2016, 2 p.m. Lynn Field Dubbo anti-domestic violence campaigner Lynn Field has welcomed $13 million in NSW government funding for male victims of domestic violence. The funding was announced in the this year’s budget and will be used to establish victim services Ms Field,

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“Real Men Do Cry” Documentary Highlights the Physical and Mental Effects of Domestic Abuse on Male Victims  The ManKind Initiative, Britain’s first charity to support male victims of domestic abuse, has today launched a new groundbreaking and sensitive documentary portraying the real stories and experiences of male victims of domestic abuse in the UK. The documentary is released as part of the wider #uksaysnomore1 campaign that aims to end domestic abuse

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Domestic violence industry: Always beating up on men Always beating up on men The domestic violence industry has a vested interest in a gendered analysis INQUIRER (Change of title for online listing) Domestic violence: data shows women are not the only victims The University of Queensland’s Kim Halford suggests that perhaps three-quarters of a million children witness both parents engaged in domestic

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Domestic violence: data shows women are not the only victims

The Australian Inquirer The University of Queensland’s Kim Halford suggests that perhaps three-quarters of a million children witness both parents engaged in domestic violence. BETTINA ARNDT Columnist @thebettinaarndt Eva Solberg is a Swedish politician, a proud feminist who holds an important post as chairwoman of the party Moderate Women. Last year she was presented with her government’s latest

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Nationals could help Pauline Hanson put Family Court back in the spotlight

Photo: Ms Hanson says the Family Court system is “destroying families”. Related Story: Where do the crossbenchers stand on the major issues? Related Story: The resurgence of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Pauline Hanson’s success at the federal election could put the Family Court back in the spotlight, with some Nationals believing her push to abolish

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Blokes alone not to blame for domestic violence

“For years now, all the key players in our well-orchestrated domestic violence sector have been singing from the same page, happily accepting government money to promote the idea that domestic violence is all about dangerous men terrorising their partners.   Malcolm Turnbull is on record boasting that the government is spending “hundreds of millions” of

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Blanket domestic violence blame is an insult to men, says Tom Elliott I’M SICK of all men being blamed for domestic violence against women. A small minority of men commit that hideous act, yet the entire male gender is told to shoulder the responsibility. It’s time the vast majority of decent men stood up for themselves. White Ribbon Australia is an organisation that works to prevent

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