Loss of a dear friend and supporter – Rob Thomas

It is with a great deal of sadness that I must let you know that Rob Thomas passed away on Monday 20 March 2017. He finally lost his eleven year battle against prostate cancer. Many of you will remember Rob, always unassuming, quietly spoken, but one of the most dedicated friends of Men’s Rights Agency

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Custody battle on high seas: dad Mazen Hassan Baioumy ‘held hostage as daughter snatched’

Dad ‘held hostage as daughter snatched’ Mazen Hassan Biaoumy is all smiles at the start of the journey, but claims he later wanted to leave the vessel and was held against his will. An Egyptian man is suing the owner of a north Queensland fishing charter, claiming he was ­falsely imprisoned on the 65-foot boat

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Mother ‘hated son’ who looked like dad, court told

A mother accused of murdering her three-year-old son reportedly told police she hated him because he looked like his father, a man she wished was dead. The woman said she had thought about killing her son because she “loved him, but just didn’t connect with him”. “There was a part of me that hated him

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National Male Health Conference March 2-3

View the Program NEW MALE NATIONAL MALE HEALTH CONFERENCE Present Challenges and Future Solutions Thursday March 2 & Friday March 3, 2017 Holiday Inn Hotel, 18 – 40 Anderson Street, Parramatta SPECIAL ADD ON EVENT Wednesday March 1 STOP MALE SUICIDE TRAINING DAY only $100 for NEW MALE Conference Participants VIEW THE PROGRAM REGISTER VISIT

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Changes to Family Law – little notice given

Thanks to  Pete Nicholls from Dads in Distress for this important notification of pending changes to family law in its interaction with domestic violence. It is urgent if any has some time to put in  a submission. The govt have put out to consultation, a proposed change of family law relating to DV. Responses must

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The fight against domestic violence needs to look beyond blaming men

http://www.smh.com.au/comment/extremists-have-hijacked-social-justice-movements-20161102-gsgaox.html November 6 2016 In my teens I became active in the pro-life movement after the Victorian 2008 Abortion Law Reform Bill passed, legalising abortion up to birth. I spoke at rallies, sidewalk counselled and advocated for life wherever I could. During this time I found the pro-life movement was mostly supported by civil-minded advocates,

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New Year’s message from Bettina Arndt

New Year’s message from Bettina Arndt   I wish I had a dollar for every letter I have received from an Australian man congratulating me for daring to write about what’s happening to men in this country. I’ve written about issue after issue where men are being done over: the denial of women’s role in

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QUT discrimination case exposes Human Rights Commission failings

­ QUT student Calum Thwaites arrives at the Federal Court in Brisbane. AAP/Dan Peled In a decision that was seen as a litmus test for the controversial section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) (RDA), the Federal Circuit Court has dismissed Cindy Prior’s case against Queensland University of Technology students Alex Wood, Calum

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