Legal minefield for deceived fathers

During an interstate access visit, and a trip to the Melbourne Show, Bill told his 14-year-old son he was going to take him for an allergy test.
The test was in reality a DNA parentage test, to establish the likelihood of Bill being the boy’s biological father. The fallout is set to force the Federal Government to amend the Family Law Act so that men who prove they are not the biological fathers can recover child maintenance payments.

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Men’s Rights Agency – talks to a Parliamentary Forum about the harsh realities of family separation – arranged by Federal MP Ken Ticehurst

I’m frequently asked, What’s a women doing in a Men’s Rights organisation. It’s easy to answer when one has an understanding and appreciation that men are an essential part of our lives, and vice versa. We complement each other in so many ways. There should not be a gender war, but unfortunately the need for

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Family Law Pathways Advisory Group Report Released Today

A report released today by the Federal Government recommends ways to significantly improve information and services for separating families, and to remove frustrating hurdles that make settling arrangements unnecessarily hard and expensive.
Out of the Maze – Pathways to the Future for Families Experiencing Separation, launched by the Attorney-General, Daryl Williams, and the Minister for Family and Community Services, Senator Amanda Vanstone, found the effects of family separation are far-reaching, costly and, when families experience a lot of conflict, children can suffer long term effects.

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Watered down child support changes approved

Labour and Democrat senators refused to allow any measure that would reduce the money paid to the custodial parent.
Gone is the relief of a 2 and 3% reduction in formula payments for those parents who have their children between 10 and 30 % per of time.
Gone is the relief afforded by a reduction in the top income amount of $110K to $79K.

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Man beaters behind closed doors

Domestic violence by women is rising as the balance of power in the home shifts their way Hitting out: women today have greater economic and sexual freedom, and are more inclined to use violence in a relationship. At a conference on women and the law at Dublin Castle last weekend, Cherie Blair made a stirring

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Support Payments “Drove Man To Suicide”

“You’ve Pushed Him To The Grave”, Ex-Partner Tells CSA Officer. Queenbeyan woman Kate Gibbs is convinced the pressure of making child support payments while being unable to build a new life of his own is what finally drove her former partner to commit suicide. Ms Gibbs and Warrant Gilbert always expected to support his three

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Parental Payments Cost “Three Lives A Day”

As many as three men a day are committing suicide because the nation’s child-support system is driving them over the edge, according to the Lone Father’s Association Australia. Association President Barry Williams said the claim was not based any official figures but on anecdotal evidence such as phone calls made to its 22 branches around

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