CSA Cost to Taxpayers Report from PIR

CSA The cost to the taxpayer – PIR (click to download) PIR analysis of the latest government figures released on the Child Support Agency clearly demonstrate the undisclosed burden on taxpayers created by the child support scheme. A project which began with high ideals has turned into a costly endeavour with no tangible benefits for children

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UK Works & Pension Committee ask MRA about child support

UK Child Support in Trouble No doubt many net users will be aware that the UK CSA was in real trouble in 2003/04. Their  failing computer system took the brunt of the blame. However, there is another very significant reason for their lack of success in collecting child support, which was revealed by Sir Archy Kirkwood,

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Child support scheme – national financial disaster says Report

*High unemployment contributes to hidden costs of $3,700 million p.a.
*Children’s weekly support payments decrease!
A report into CSA The cost to the taxpayer – PIR confirms the child support scheme is financially, a national disaster and the hidden costs to the tax payer far outweigh any benefits claimed by the Child Support Agency.

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Dads turning to DNA to resolve child support disputes

MARK COLVIN: Surveys differ wildly on the percentage of men who falsely believe they’re the father of a child.
A UK study put it at 30 per cent. Melbourne’s Swinburne University said it was just one per cent.
But what’s clear is that with DNA testing becoming more accessible, paternity is also getting easier to identify.
And the recent reform of child support laws has also empowered men. In fact there’s been a spate of cases where women have been forced to pay back child support to men they wrongly identified as the father.

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Men Alone and at Risk –

“Our darling Greg died of a broken heart,” announced the death notice placed by his mother and sister when Federal MP Greg Wilton killed himself last year. Wilton’s death attracted massive publicity, highlighting the marriage break-up and loss of his children as events precipitating his drastic action. Three weeks earlier Wilton was found in a distressed state in a car with his two young children.
Greg Wilton, 44, was well aware of the vulnerability of men in his situation. Three years earlier he gave a speech in parliament commenting on a report on youth suicide, pointing out that the group at greatest risk of killing themselves were adult men.

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Fair Share

Separated parents would share equal responsibility for their children’s upbringing under a proposed overhaul of the family law system which recommends sidelining the involvement of the Family Court. A federal parliamentary committee report into child custody yesterday rejected forcing equal joint residency on separated parents but said shared care should be the starting point for

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Joint custody recommendations win praise

 Parents’ groups and welfare organisations are welcoming most of the findings from a federal parliamentary inquiry into child custody arrangements. The joint parliamentary committee is recommending a major shake-up of the nation’s child custody system, including significant changes to family law, courts and custody support payments. In particular, the committee recommends a presumption of equal

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Committee proposes family law overhaul

A federal parliamentary inquiry has recommended a wide-ranging shake-up of Australia’s family law, including an overhaul of child custody payments. The House of Representatives Family and Community Affairs Committee has recommended that in family breakdown situations, a 50-50 share of a child’s custody should be the “standard objective” but says that aim  should not be

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Family Court Driving Fathers To Suicide

ACT New Zealand Social Welfare Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today called on the Government to make provision for shared parenting in its Care of Children Bill – to avoid New Zealand mirroring Australia, where family law is driving many fathers to suicide. “According to Australian statistics, males aged 25-44 are most at risk of suicide.

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Legal minefield for deceived fathers

During an interstate access visit, and a trip to the Melbourne Show, Bill told his 14-year-old son he was going to take him for an allergy test. The test was in reality a DNA parentage test, to establish the likelihood of Bill being the boy’s biological father. The fallout is set to force the Federal

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