Dads face tough fight for kids under proposed new custody laws

Separated fathers could find it harder to secure 50-50 custody of their children, and women should be more easily able to raise concerns about violence, under proposed changes to the nation’s custody laws. The Family Court may also be asked to apply a new “triage” system to more quickly assess urgent risks relating to violence,

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MRA – Keep both parents in our children’s lives

The Australian Insititute of Family Studies, evaluation report (pdf download) highlights the need for further changes to the family law scheme, to ensure children have the opportunity to be cared for by both their parents, despite separation.  The Men’s Rights Agency notes that despite the changes to family law legislation in 2006 – to strengthen the

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Men’s Rights Agency – Aussie Dads relegated to second place

   According to leaks to the media, Australian children less than 2 years old, whose parents are separated, will be prevented from spending much time with their father. Information from the Australian Institute of Family Studies’ ‘Shared Parenting Study’ – and the report into domestic violence and family law compiled by ex-Family Court judge Richard

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White Ribbon Day Errors in School kits

Please note the WRF corrected the errors (mentioned on this page) in the schools kit late afternoon Tuesday 24th November 2009, after being alerted to the MRA Press Release of the previous day, but the problem still remain the kits have already been downloaded with the wrong information being given to our school boys and girls.

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White Ribbon Day School kits used to profile young boys as potential abusers

“By claiming nearly 30% of young women can expect to be assaulted, WR campaigners are creating an unnecessary climate of fear and an expectation that far greater numbers of young men will be violent”, said Sue Price. “To profile our young men and particularly young impressionable schoolboys in Grades 5 – 8 in such a way is to diminish their belief in themselves as young males. Branding them with a wrist band displaying the slogan “Say no to domestic violence” and indoctrinating them in believing they should take on the shame and guilt for others‟ bad behaviour is totally unacceptable and counterproductive.”

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Family Courts Violence Review 2009 by Prof Chisholm – Attorney General

Family Courts Violence Review by Prof Chisholm 2009 – Australian Government The Attorney-General commissioned a review of the practices, procedures and laws that apply in the federal family law courts in the context of family violence. The Family Courts Violence Review considered whether improvements could be made to ensure that the federal family law courts provide

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Men’s Rights Agency responds to Chisholm Family law, family violence review

The portrayal that women are the only victims of interpersonal or family violence is incorrect and the longer this falsehood is allowed to be used as the determining factor guiding the Federal/State governments’ response to reducing violence within families, the more likely it is their proposals will fail. Providing solutions to “deal with” only one half of the problem has never been a successful strategy and is likely to exacerbate the very problem it seeks to resolve.

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Men’s Rights: ‘No Fault’ Divorce Should be Reviewed

IMPORTANT POLICY REVIEW SLAMS THE DOOR The Australian Institute of Family Studies is currently undertaking research into the effects of important changes to  family law which, in 2006, introduced shared parental responsibility and focused  on a child’s right to be raised by both parents. The Attorney General says he will be guided by the report

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Dads turning to DNA to resolve child support disputes

MARK COLVIN: Surveys differ wildly on the percentage of men who falsely believe  they’re the father of a child. A UK study put it at 30 per cent. Melbourne’s Swinburne University said it was  just one per cent. But what’s clear is that with DNA testing becoming more accessible, paternity is  also getting easier to

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Australian Government’s assault on Separated Fathers

In the past month, the media published banner headlines generated from media releases issued by the Australian Government’s Minister for Human Services, Senator Joe Ludwig. They included: Spies on dads dodging child support – Herald Sun, 23 June 2008, “Human Services Minister Joe Ludwig announced today that undercover surveillance of parents would commence from July

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