Frustrated Father Protests Parental Alienation by Shutdown of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

A man describing himself as ex-military has been charged following a daring protest that closed the Sydney Harbour Bridge in both directions this morning.
The man, identified as Michael Fox, was charged with obstructing traffic, climbing or jumping from buildings or other structures, and climbing on bridges, a police spokeswoman said.
He was refused bail to appear at Central Local Court today, she said.

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Parental Alienation

On May 13, 2011, just after 5am, Michael Fox, a father, parked a hired truck near a pylon on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and climbed to the top of the arches.
The 38-year-old ex-military father protester unveiled two banners, reading “Kids First” and “Plz Help My Kids” at the top of the bridge. He claimed to the media that his children were victims of parental alienation.
Just before 7am, he abseiled down to the road below, where he was met by police officers. Northbound and southbound lanes were reopened about 7.30am.
Immediately after the protest, The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper conducted a website poll asking if such a protest was justified.
5 polls on other subjects found on the website of the Sydney Morning Herald on May 14 had between 1,200 and 4,300 voters.
By the end of Saturday, May 14th, about 32,000 people had voted on the poll with 2 out of 3 people saying the father’s extreme protest was justified.

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Mother to repay wrong man’s child support

A MOTHER has been ordered to repay child support to a man she claimed was her son’s father after he discovered he cannot conceive.
For nine years the man believed the child was his after what he says was a “one-night stand”. He told a court he believed the mother manipulated the situation.
The woman was ordered to repay the $3730 he paid.

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Mother to repay wrong man’s child support

A MOTHER has been ordered to repay child support to a man she claimed was her son’s father after he discovered he cannot conceive. For nine years the man believed the child was his after what he says was a “one-night stand”. He told a court he believed the mother manipulated the situation. The woman

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Fly-in fly-out roster the ‘worst invention’ for families says Men’s Rights Agency   An advocate for men’s rights has slammed the concept of fly-in fly-out working shifts claiming it can destroy the family unit.  Last week the Queensland state government said it would allow 20 per cent of the Bowen Basin mining work force to fly in and fly out at the beginning and end of

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Senate Committee divided over shared parenting rollback

 The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee yesterday approved changes to family law legislation that will remove even more fathers from their children’s lives. The Committee divided down party lines. Coalition members submitted a minority report rejecting the changes, but the Labour controlled committee agreed with the much broader definition of domestic violence, the removal

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Statistics on Suicide in Australia –

Around 2,000 Australians take their own lives every year, affecting families, friends, work places and communities. Males account for 78 per cent of these deaths. It is also suggested elsewhere, that a similar numbers of deaths occur as a result of  inexplicable single motor vehicle accidents. This report, Australian_Bureau_of_Statistics_Suicide_Statistics_Report[1] (download pdf) provides an overview of the situation

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The truth about women who commit domestic violence and child murders

Maternal filicide, defined as child murder by mothers, is a problem that transcends national boundaries. Mothers who kill their children often use the defence of depression or insanity, but are all mothers who kill their children insane? The short answer is “No,” and some courts are beginning to recognise that fact as the following transcribed media accounts of recent criminal proceedings reveal:
“Donna Fitchett called the murder of her two boys her ‘greatest act of love’, but in sentencing late last year Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Curtain told her it was her ‘greatest act of betrayal’.

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Law change liable to upset fathers

The Gillard government will provoke the ire of fathers’ groups today with landmark changes to family law designed to protect children in cases of domestic violence. Attorney-General Robert McClelland will press ahead with legislation winding back some of the shared parenting changes ushered in by the Howard government. The changes will make it easier for

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