Professor Richard Chisholm, a retired judge of the Family Court of Australia

Professor Richard Chisholm, retired judge of the Family Court of Australia was appointed to review the recently changed  (2006) family law legislation and  determine whether family violence issues were being adequately covered. As soon as the Labor Party took over government in 2007, women’s groups around the country and academics, who have built their reputation on domestic

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Safety first in family law changes

The Gillard government has unveiled radical changes to family law. The changes would redefine domestic violence, place greater weight on child safety and could weaken the Howard government’s shared parenting laws. The changes, which are directed at cases involving abusive parents, elevate the safety of children to the top priority in custody disputes. Whenever a

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Scottish police record record number of male victims of domestic abuse: AMIS (Abused Men In Scotland) is launched to provide support for male victims

AMIS today publishes statistics from the 8 Scottish police forces that show an increase of around 9.4% in the number of incidents that they recorded as domestic abuse or violence with a man as the victim in 2009-10 compared to 2008-9. The statistics also reveal a reduction of 6.1% in the number of incidents recorded with a woman as victim compared to 2008-9.
Within the acknowledged limitations of police statistics* one in six of recorded victims was male yet the reality remains that after 10 years of the Scottish Parliament there are virtually no support services in Scotland designed to help men and their children affected by domestic abuse or violence.

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‘If I left her, I would be killed’ – BBC TV interview with male victim of DV

If I left her, I would be killed  (watch BBC TV Breakfast segment) There’s a widespread belief that it’s mainly women who are the victims of violence in the home, but a study suggests that as many as 40% of victims are men. The group Parity, which campaigns for men’s rights, says that male victims are

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Fathers ‘stereotyped’ by Child Support Agency

 THE government watchdog responsible for overseeing child support payments has been unfairly focusing on parents who do not pay enough while ignoring those who are getting too much, the Commonwealth Ombudsman says. In a report that might not be well received by some single mothers, the acting Ombudsman, Ron Brent, found that the Child Support

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Reviews of Family Law will cost Labor votes

A recent national survey of the voting intentions of nearly 500 people has  revealed the reviews undertaken by the federal Government of Family Law and the  impact these reviews are likely to have on shared parenting will cost Labor  votes. The survey asked: Will the roll-back of shared parenting affect your vote? Nearly two-thirds (64%)

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Australian parents concerned by the threatened Government roll back to shared parenting improvements will not vote for Labor this time around, a survey has found.
Despite 66 percent voting for Labor in 2007, now 92 percent definitely will not or are highly unlikely to vote for Labor in 2010.

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British Airways compensates man ‘humiliated’ over child seat policy

 Two years later and Australia now has its own version of airline seating discrimination with Virgin Australia. Read more here. Mirko Fischer said he worried what message was being sent to children Related Stories BA ‘victimises male passengers’ Seat row mother ordered off plane BA has compensated a passenger who was “humiliated’ over its policy

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The myth of the tyrannical dad – BBC Magazine

 Fathers of yesteryear tend to be portrayed as cold, detached, even callous creatures. But, says Steve Humphries, the cuddly, hands-on, sentimental dads we know today are by no means a modern-day creation.  Lily Barron (nee Jones), left, and family when her father was home on leave  Fathers of yesteryear tend to be portrayed as

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Joint parenting must stay: men’s rights group

Men’s rights groups will fight any planned rollback of the shared parenting laws, saying reports released yesterday prove an overwhelming majority of Australians support the right of children to know both their parents after divorce. A 1,000-page review of the Howard government’s so-called shared parenting law, conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies, found

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