16 arguments in support of shared parenting

http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/co-parenting-after-divorce/201204/sixteen-arguments-in-support-shared-parenting  What the Latest Research is saying about the Best Interests of Children  I have long maintained that a more child-focused approach to resolving parenting disputes after separation and divorce is needed to reduce harm to children and ensure their well-being. Usually, when parents cannot agree on parenting matters, they take their case to a

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Norgrove and McIntosh’s junk science

“… Jennifer McIntosh’s smiling face cannot conceal that her ideological dogma will perpetuate the orphaning of children. It cannot disguise the awful misery she is inflicting on generations yet to come – hopeful futures she has dashed. What and why is so important that she has to fly half way round the world to stop it happening ?
She is the eminence gris of the [British] Norgrove Report, cited to excuse its betrayal of father’s rights and the rights of children to see their fathers.
McIntosh, and her Australian cronies, are sabotaging British efforts to bring equality to post-divorce settlements. Often this reactionary sabotage takes the form of ‘scare tactics’, alleging inter-partner domestic violence will increase, but on other occasions it is more subtle.

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Child safety first in overhaul of family law

THE Gillard Government has  unveiled radical changes to family law that redefine domestic violence, place  greater weight on child safety and could weaken the Howard government’s shared  parenting laws. The changes, which are directed at cases involving abusive parents, elevate the  safety of children to the top priority in custody disputes. Whenever a court considers

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Divorce Hurts Children, Even Grown Ones

 in The Teenage Mind – the internal experience of the young adult My parents’ divorce had lifelong effects on me and I am still feeling them.          In response to Mark Banschick’s September Psychology Today post, “The Intelligent Divorce,”  there is no such thing. Divorce is bad, plain and simple. I am a psychologist with an

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Frustrated Father Protests Parental Alienation by Shutdown of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

A man describing himself as ex-military has been charged following a daring protest that closed the Sydney Harbour Bridge in both directions this morning.
The man, identified as Michael Fox, was charged with obstructing traffic, climbing or jumping from buildings or other structures, and climbing on bridges, a police spokeswoman said.
He was refused bail to appear at Central Local Court today, she said.

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Parental Alienation

On May 13, 2011, just after 5am, Michael Fox, a father, parked a hired truck near a pylon on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and climbed to the top of the arches.
The 38-year-old ex-military father protester unveiled two banners, reading “Kids First” and “Plz Help My Kids” at the top of the bridge. He claimed to the media that his children were victims of parental alienation.
Just before 7am, he abseiled down to the road below, where he was met by police officers. Northbound and southbound lanes were reopened about 7.30am.
Immediately after the protest, The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper conducted a website poll asking if such a protest was justified.
5 polls on other subjects found on the website of the Sydney Morning Herald on May 14 had between 1,200 and 4,300 voters.
By the end of Saturday, May 14th, about 32,000 people had voted on the poll with 2 out of 3 people saying the father’s extreme protest was justified.

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Mother to repay wrong man’s child support

A MOTHER has been ordered to repay child support to a man she claimed was her son’s father after he discovered he cannot conceive.
For nine years the man believed the child was his after what he says was a “one-night stand”. He told a court he believed the mother manipulated the situation.
The woman was ordered to repay the $3730 he paid.

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Mother to repay wrong man’s child support

A MOTHER has been ordered to repay child support to a man she claimed was her son’s father after he discovered he cannot conceive. For nine years the man believed the child was his after what he says was a “one-night stand”. He told a court he believed the mother manipulated the situation. The woman

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Fly-in fly-out roster the ‘worst invention’ for families says Men’s Rights Agency

http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2011/09/06/3311417.htm   An advocate for men’s rights has slammed the concept of fly-in fly-out working shifts claiming it can destroy the family unit.  Last week the Queensland state government said it would allow 20 per cent of the Bowen Basin mining work force to fly in and fly out at the beginning and end of

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