Aiming for a fair share of parenting in split families

 WHERE it is possible and good for the kids, shared parenting is worth fighting for. Children have a right to be brought up by both parents. This means dads should have the same rights as mums. Source: HWT Image Library Two of Australia’s leading law experts last week questioned the value of shared parenting. The

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Child Support Agency – Over 1 in 3 complaints against staff upheld

More than a third of Child Support Agency complaints against its staff upheld   THE Child Support Agency has upheld more than a third of complaints this year against its staff from parents unhappy with the service. As of May the CSA had received 1369 complaints of which 518 were upheld. It comes as Centrelink

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Roxon to tackle law on family violence

NICOLA Roxon has flagged further changes to the Family Law Act to improve the court system’s response to family violence, amid calls for greater clarification on how and when family violence should be relevant to disputes. The Attorney-General yesterday declared there was “more to do” in reforming the system to provide better support for victims,

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Shared care not the key for kids

CHILDREN of divorced parents do not feel secure in shared care unless there is a high level of parental co-operation, according to new research, which finds that equal time and a lack of conflict between parents is not enough to foster contentment. Researcher Christina Sadowski did a qualitative study through the University of Ballarat, interviewing

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Child Support Agency – Information you need to know

Parents’ Guide to Child Support – Australia If you are new to the issues regarding paying child support, you should read the Parents Guide to Child Support-CSA_ The Parent’s Guide to Child Support is an ongoing reference guide for separated parents. This booklet will assist you to better understand your rights and responsibilities and the

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Doctor Greg Canning quits James Cook University teaching post over feminist colleague Betty McLellan’s ‘sexual vilification’ of men

JAMES Cook University is embroiled in an ugly battle of the sexes which has resulted in one academic resigning in protest at the lack of discipline of his “extreme” feminist colleague.
JCU School of Medicine adjunct senior lecturer Dr Greg Canning has quit his teaching job of 10 years, claiming the university failed to caution Adjuct Associate Professor Betty McLellan, who he has accused of publicly practicing sexual vilification.

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Court rules “fun” dad should have access cut A FATHER accused of having all the fun with his daughter while his former partner dealt with the “drudgery and hard work” has lost half his contact visits. The dad was also accused of failing to acknowledge the six-year-old girl was suffering from separation anxiety after spending every weekend of the school year with

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References Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male partners

SUMMARY: This bibliography examines 95 scholarly investigations, 79 empirical studies and 16 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 60,000.

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