Survey – The majority of Belgians (69,5%) favor their shared parenting law

According to a poll conducted for the Francophone Belgian family and parenting magazine Filiatio, seven out of ten Belgians are in favor of equal accommodation or bilocation of the child between the homes of divorced parents. This type of care is far preferred above sole care arrangements for the children with one of the parents, combined with a “fortnightly weekend of access with the other parent ” (15.2%) or the “5/9″ – parenting arrangement with the children staying five days with one of the parents, and nine days with the other parent ( 5.2%).

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13 reasons it’s unlucky to be a man

When your life is committed to helping the world work for everyone – men and boys included – it’s easy to forget that most people don’t see the inequality and discrimination that men and boys face on a daily basis.
So to help us spread the word about the desperate need to help men and boys live longer, happier, healthier lives ………..

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Scholar sees laws on harassment as feminists’ weapon

Feminism has latched onto sexual-harassment laws as a successful way of bringing men to heel, says a University of Massachusetts professor and sometime feminist in a new book. In “Heterophobia,” Daphne Patai says that sexual-harassment law, once a useful tool to identify outrageous behavior, is now an albatross. “Sexual harassment seems often to be little

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The truth about women who commit domestic violence and child murders

Family violence has, in recent years, been subjected to a very short sighted restricted analysis that is based on stereotypes of victims and abusers. Typically, the “victim” is depicted as a timid, oppressed female and the abuser is portrayed as a brutish, aggressive male that often assaults or even murders children. But such gender stereotypes are dangerous, and leave groups of people suffering and vulnerable because they do not fit the pigeon hole prescriptions that dominate family violence discourse and support organisations in our country.

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Dads (not just) needed on Father’s Day, but everyday!

Letter and article FYI.   The letter below was published in The Washington Times on Monday, June 18,2012 and is followed by the op-Ed to which it responded. Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D. Inarguably, children need fathers In light of the commemoration of Father’s Day Sunday, I would like to thank Edward Kruk for his op-Ed column

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5 Government Inquiries That Should Cause You Concern

1. Family Courts Violence Review (review by Professor Richard Chisholm) The Attorney-General has commissioned a review of the practices, procedures and laws that apply in the federal family law courts in the context of family violence. The Family Courts Violence Review will consider whether improvements could be made to ensure that the federal family law

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Fatherlessness in Australia – Statistics

What happens to your children if you or your partner dies? It’s the kind of thought which goes through the minds of most parents now and again. As a parent you have probably taken out life insurance with such a possibility in mind, From time to time you have worried about the effect on your child – emotionally, socially and financially – of losing you or your spouse. You know that children above a certain age, never forget the death of a mother or father and you appreciate that this may affect them for the rest of their lives.

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