Reformers return fire at Family Court

  Commentary – Men’s Rights Agency ALRC Report draws suggestions the Chief Justice of the Family Court should stand down! The release of the Australian Law Reform Commission final report into the Australian federal justice system confirms their interim findings that the Family Court has a history of failed reform and is inflexible. Following the

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Child payments: A-G’s advice on jailing ‘wrong’

Attorney General Daryl Williams has been accused of deliberately misleading a Government Senator over plans to jail parents who fall behind in child-support payments.
Prominent advocacy group, the Men’s Rights Agency, claimed yesterday Mr Williams was wrong when he said tough new jailing provisions planned for maintenance defaulters would apply only to those with court orders predating the Child Support Agency.

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Children tell MP: agency stole their life savings

Four Queensland children have written to their local Member of Parliament claiming the Child Support Agency ‘ stole’ their life savings to help pay their father’s $43,000 child-support debt.
The children, aged between nine and 15 years, said in the letter $2099.32 had been seized on Christmas Eve from a bank savings account their father operated as trustee for them.

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Labour and Democrat Senators reject CSA relief for payers!

The Senate has rejected most of the changes contained in the child support legislation that would benefit paying parents.
The Child Support Amendment Bill (No 2) 2000 was to provide for a reduction in child support, by acknowledging that there is a cost involved in caring for children during contact visits. A 2 and 3 percent reduction in the formula amount was envisaged for non-custodial parents who have between 10 – 19%, and 20 – 29% contact time, respectively.

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Feminists revolting next year?

Revolt and retribution Some feminists seem to think they should support the sisterhood right or wrong. Sometimes, ardent feminists cannot see beyond their categorisation of all men as anti-women. Which makes it a bit tough to engage them in a debate that looks at issues without the prism of gender politics deflecting the argument on

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“Family Court makes disputes worse” – 1999

Letters to the Editor and an Editorial in response to two articles published in The Australian on 24-26/12/1999 “Court Out – One man’s battle for his kids” “Court Out – Trial Separation” Justice Nicholson claims that the Family Court “assists parties to resolve their disputes” (Letters, 27/12). I beg to differ. The very nature of the

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Striking a balance on violence orders – editorial opinion 1999

[Eds note: There’s plenty of opportunities to respond to this editorial about the incorrect assumption that only women and children are victims of domestic violence. The Australian is trying to create further discussion – so please write in to Post GPO Box 4162 Sydney NSW 2001or Fax to 02 9288 2824 or 02 9288 3077

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