Domestic Violence

Take a break and read all about it

Bye Daddy… I love you

Click on the link to download the complete submission opposing Labor’s Family Law reform Bill to removed the shared parenting principles. finished version 48

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Justice for Daniel

   Hello, my name is Miranda, and I am the proud mother of Daniel Harrison. Daniel turned 27 on the 24th of June, 2022. Daniel

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Weaponising banks against men

Weaponising banks against men – False allegations of financial abuse can now be used to freeze accounts. BETTINA ARNDT 6 JUL 2023 Last week, Nigel Farage’s bank

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Domestic Violence Research – must read

The latest from John Hamel and PASK Download this   Regards Sue Price Men’s Rights Agency   From: John Hamel & Associates <> Sent:

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The Coercive Control Con Job

After so many years of listening to men, mothers, new partners, sisters defending the men in their lives and describing the behaviour of their girlfriend/partner/wife

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Australia's national, non-profit organisation providing a better outcome for men and their families.