The vengeful mothers who tear fathers from their children’s lives: Britain’s top parenting guru on one of the unspoken scandals of our age Children desperate Grant Wyeth is an academic at the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne and a columnist for the Asia-Pacific affairs publication, The Diplomat. He has
July 10, 2020 Augusto Zimmermann The Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System was appointed by resolution of the Senate on 18 September 2019 and
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THE UNDENIABLE LINK: CHILD-SUPPORT SCHEME — UNFAIR PARENTAL ALIENATION — THE MALE-SUICIDE CRISIS Parental Alienation can devastate the relationship between parents and children. It can
I welcome the Federal Government’s inquiry into separating parents being given joint contact with both parents. Family Court orders that grant custody to one
A belief that children under three should not stay overnight with their separated or divorced father has underpinned our family law system for years. Has
THE BLOG Huffington Post There is no scientific evidence that justifies limiting or postponing overnighting until the age of four. Unfortunately, the alarming reports
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