Break-up is so hard to do

What to do about the children after a divorce continues to trouble the family courts. The slow and dysfunctional family law system is set for a significant shake-up if the government and Australian Law Reform Commission get their way. For the exhausted litigants who use it, change cannot come soon enough. But at all levels,

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They are out to shear away masculinity

Illustration: Sturt Krygsman By Dimitri Gonis 12:00AM November 1, 2018 The castrati were boys deprived of their masculinity in the name of a sublime, sonic effeminacy so that others could celebrate the higher registers of culture. Eunuchs also were castrated before they reached puberty so that they became more submissive and servile to their masters.

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Judges go public on Family Court system challenges

  Play Press play then disable your screen reader. Use space bar to pause or play, and up and down arrows to control volume. Use left arrow to rewind and right arrow to fast forward. Listen 3m 3s Image: ABC News: Peter Curtis By Katherine Gregory on AM Share Facebook Twitter Mail Download Judges go

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From a safe distance we’ll watch Tasmania’s gender folly fail

‘Social engineers in Tasmania (are aiming for) just one-size-fits-all genderless babies.’ When it comes to Tasmania’s plan to become the first state to erase a baby’s gender from a birth certificate, please doff your cap to our federalist forefathers. They deserve more credit than we often give them. The federal system set down in our

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Children of the State – Stolen for Profit

STANDARD LINK Publishing the Book: Children of the State Stolen for Profit Let’s face it: this is a tough sell. In the beginning was the Word. Well, there was a radio show called Dads On The Air. We were a small group of that most unfashionable of all people. Separated, sad, angry, overwhelmed fathers. But unlike

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Sexual politics on campuses

It is timely to shine a light on how universities handle complaints of sexual misbehaviour on campus. In articles this week Rebecca Urban has documented concerns about fairness and justice. It’s no answer to say all such matters are better left to police. Clearly a campus investigation must defer to police once it is clear

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Sexual assault too serious a crime for a campus verdict

A basic legal right is that if you are accused of something as serious as sexual assault, the case against you must be proved beyond reasonable doubt. Australia’s universities are stripping away this basic legal right by determining such cases at the much lower threshold of the “balance of probabilities”. In August, the University of

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Inside the ‘child-stealing syndicate’: Three men including a vigilante paedophile hunter accused of hiding mothers and kids in $140,000 yacht to secretly ship overseas are arrested

Founder of Antipaedophile Party accused of masterminding criminal syndicate Dr William Pridgeon allegedly organised for children to be taken from fathers His ‘clandestine’ organisation allegedly accused fathers of being paedophiles Pridgeon allegedly bought yacht to move women and children from Australia  The founder of the Australian Antipaedophile Party has been accused of masterminding a criminal syndicate

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Network accused of helping mothers kidnap their children

Network helping mums, kids hide POLICE who busted an underground network that operated for 10 years helping mums steal their children believe more youngsters may still be on the run. Grafton GP Dr William Russell Massingham Pridgeon, 64, the founder of the Australian Antipaedophile Party, accused of being the mastermind of the ring, did not

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AFP bust alleged child-stealing ring in NSW, Queensland and WA

ABC News By Melissa Martin and Nick Dole Updated about 2 hours ago Photo: Police arrest a 63-year-old Grafton man over his alleged assistance in the child abduction syndicate. (Supplied: AFP) Two men will be extradited to Queensland to face allegations that they are part of a group organising parental child abductions. Key points: Police

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