Family law delays – Circuit chief Will Alstergren to tackle backlog

Federal Circuit Court Chief Judge Will Alstergren. Picture: James Croucher Nicola Berkovic Nicola Berkovic Legal Affairs Correspondent Sydney @NicBerko New Federal Circuit Court Chief Judge Will Alstergren will attempt to turn around the extraordinary delays in the family law system by making better use of the court’s existing resources. This comes after repeated calls by

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Share care at risk in family law overhaul

A presumption in favour of equal shared parental responsibility, was introduced by the Howard government in 2006, in response to intense lobbying from fathers’ groups. Howard government reforms that enshrined shared care for mothers and fathers after separation could be unwound and the best interests of children taken into account when dividing property between their

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Victorian school principals can now access medical records of parents and children

Children Legislation Amendment (Sharing of Information) Bill 2017 now legislation.$FILE/581377bi1.pdf Subject: URGENT- Children Legislation Amendment (Sharing of Information) Bill                                              -ATTENTION ALL PARENTS AND MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS-  Please read carefully and send on the material above about legislation just past by the Victorian Parliament which will allow any  school principals and Education department officials

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The Boy Crisis – Warren Farrell and John Gray

The birthdate of The Boy Crisis is March 13 (aka “the publication date”).  But as of this morning, it was already number 1 on Amazon’s books for children’s studies. A week ago I did a brief interview connecting the school shootings with fatherlessness. It is on track for 10 million views by end-of-day. On Wednesday,

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Whistleblower Magazine on Sexual Accusations – Stephen Baskerville

Stephen Baskerville has announced the publication of his new book, The New Politics of Sex, and let’s us know that a chapter of his book has been published in the January issue of Whistleblower magazine. I have ordered both the article from the publisher and the book from Amazon. I’m looking forward to reading the

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Leave family disputes to judges: Law Council calls for Brandis plan to be dumped

Law Council of Australia president Morry Bailes. Picture: Keryn Stevens Nicola Berkovic LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT Sydney @NicBerko A proposal allowing ­social workers and other non-lawyers to ­resolve parenting disputes marks a “radical departure” from existing practices and should be abandoned, the Law Council says. Council president Morry Bailes wants the federal government to scrap the

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Family Court lawyers urged to mediate and dodge ’horrendous delays’

Lawyers in NSW are being urged to make more effort to see family law disputes resolved by mediation amid “horrendous delays” in family law courts. NSW Law Society president Doug Humphreys said the organisation was “campaigning hard for the appointment of more judges to ease the significant delays and backlog of cases” in family law

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Mum on run loses custody

A MUM who tried to take her two children out of Australia on falsely obtained passports, then hid them from their father, can now only see her kids once a month for two hours. The mother forged her estranged husband’s signature on the children’s passport applications, but her plan to take them overseas fell apart

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Auto Draft

Post to FacebookEveryday Aussies Silenced by Family Law Investigation PAULINE HANSON’S PLEASE EXPLAIN·TUESDAY, 20 FEBRUARY 2018 MEDIA RELEASE Senator Pauline Hanson has written to Attorney-General Christian Porter requesting an urgent meeting to discuss concerns that current stipulations placed on the submission of personal stories to the review of the Family Law Act could be preventing

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Jordan Peterson interview fallout: It’s little wonder men don’t know where they stand

INQUIRER Jordan Peterson faces BBC interviewer Cathy Newman. The Australian 12:00AM January 27, 2018 CAROLINE OVERINGTON Associate Editor Sydney @overingtonc Possibly you have never heard of Jordan B. Peterson, but don’t worry, soon you will. He has written a book and he is coming to Australia in March to promote it, and if you’re missing

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