Men are also victims of home violence HERE’S some good news that passed unnoticed late last year — our official statistics reveal that for the past decade there’s been no increase in women being abused by their partners. That was the story that dropped through the cracks when the Australian Bureau of Statistics announced the results of its 2016 Personal Safety

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Corrine Barraclough: Fathers’ Christmas trauma

CONGRATULATIONS one and all: we have failed this year at tackling the broken family law system. Loving fathers, good men, won’t be opening presents with their kids around the twinkling Christmas tree, through no fault of their own. They won’t be eating yummy treats, watching movies, singing carols or playing fun games together. And their

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Family law court costs obscenely high, judge Robert Benjamin says

LEGAL AFFAIRS A Family Court judge has attacked the “obscenely high legal costs” charged by family lawyers and an apparent “win at all costs, concede little or nothing, chase every rabbit down every hole” approach to litigation. Family Court judge Robert Benjamin has referred two lawyers to the legal services watchdog over their “outrageous” and

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White ribbons of truth

Corrine Barraclough  – The Spectator Corrine Barraclough 21 November 2017 3:53 PM A very important question has, so far, remained unasked in the latest round of Bernardi debate. Furious feminists are seemingly baffled as to why Minister for Women, Senator Michaelia Cash crossed the floor to vote for Cory Bernardi’s motion on White Ribbon Australia.

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The Sexual Revolution Turns Ugly

Stephen Baskerville How many intellectuals have come to the revolutionary party via the path of moral indignation, only to connive ultimately at terror and autocracy? ∼ Raymond Aron The Sexual Revolution is now out of control. Initially promising freedom, like all revolutions, it has entered something like its Reign of Terror phase and is devouring its own children.

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Child custody: one mother’s bitter lesson in sharing the kids with dad

This was not one of those cases where the children had been ­abused and neglected, and therefore had to be removed from their mum’s care for their physical ­safety. She loved them very much and she made sure they were well fed and attending good schools, yet they now live, by court order, with their

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Reform the Family Law Act to Protect the Innocent

The Turnbull government has ordered a comprehensive review of the family law system to ensure it can deal with cases of domestic violence and child abuse. The Australian Law Reform Commission will conduct a wide-ranging review of the Family Law Act, the first comprehensive examination since its introduction forty-two years ago. In the meantime, a

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Sydney man plans to sue police after two years battling rape allegations

A ‘PRETTY young woman’ told police a false story that cost her husband $200,000 and two years clearing his name. Andrew Koubaridis@akoubaridis 3, 201712:19am The Sydney man’s life was turned upside down by the rape allegations.Source:Supplied EXCLUSIVE A SYDNEY man who battled for two years to clear his name of rape and assault allegations

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‘Radical’ overhaul of commonwealth courts imminent

‘Radical’ overhaul of commonwealth courts imminent Attorney-General Senator George Brandis said he had an “entirely open mind” on changes to the courts’ structure Nicola Berkovic Legal affairs correspondent Sydney @NicBerko “Radical” changes to the commonwealth law courts, in which the Family Court may be scrapped and folded into the Federal Court, could be implemented as

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