Missing twins Isabella and Bronte Watter found in Taree NSW – mother charged

Found: Missing twins Bronte and Isabella Watter, aged eight before they vanished in 2014.Source:Supplied FOUR years after they vanished, missing twins Isabella and Bronte Watter have been found alive in a NSW country town. Now believed to be 11-year-olds, the sisters were found in Taree, on the NSW mid North Coast. The girls, who are

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Company directors: appointment must be based on merit only

Catherine Brenner. Picture: Britta Campion Graham Richardson The Australian 12:00AM May 4, 2018 It was only this week that I realised just how much political correctness has distorted the normal functioning of our society and cowed me into being a wimp of the first water. What’s more, it was a woman of courage who made

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The High Costs of Fatherlessness

  Augusto Zimmermann For years fathers’ groups have complained that whenever they request that fathers should have more time to spend with their children after divorce, feminist groups argue that those children will be exposed to more violence. Contrary to social evidence, feminists think males raised without fathers will treat women better. And yet, most

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Australian Human Rights Commission is pitiful organisation

After the AHRC undertook the appallingly low-quality national survey on sexual assault and harassment experienced by students at Australian universities — less than 10 per cent response rate and unwelcome glances counting as harassment — you might have thought the commissioners would be wary about authorising yet another shoddy piece of work.

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Don’t assume kids are cool with divorce … it can hurt like hell, for decades

Author and sketch writer James Jeffrey with his father Ian Picture: James Jeffrey Who remembers all those kids whose parents got divorced in the late 1970s or early 80s? Remember how resilient they were going to be? How divorce wasn’t ideal, but the kids would be OK because surely it was better for them to

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Stephen Baskerville interview with Geopolitika – Agenda of Sexual Radicals and Civil Servants

Daily Caller: “Revisiting the Fatherhood Crisis” It appears that fatherhood and the crisis of fatherlessness is back in the news (though sad that it required Nicholas Cruz to reawaken us). But when we last went through this, in the 1990s, our leaders addressed it very dishonestly, with expensive but pointless social programs rather than confronting

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Family Court costs: Call to hit brakes on family law legal fees

University of Sydney law professor Patrick Parkinson. Nicola Berkovic Nicola Berkovic Legal Affairs Correspondent Sydney @NicBerko Controversial measures to clear hundreds of family law cases from the court system are welcome, but tough laws are needed to reduce delays and stop fees snowballing out of proportion to the assets in dispute, says a leading academic.

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Family Court: Slow, expensive wheels of justice in the Family Court

Slow, expensive wheels of justice in the Family Court Family Court appeal judges earn $449,840 a year but sit on hearings only 20 weeks a year, and usually preside over three appeals a week. Nicola Berkovic Nicola Berkovic Legal Affairs Correspondent Sydney @NicBerko Family Court appeal judges earn $449,840 a year but sit on hearings

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Hands off Chief Justice, Porter warns Law Council

Family Court Chief Justice John Pascoe. Picture: Renee Nowytarger. Nicola Berkovic Attorney-General Christian Porter has taken aim at the Law Council of Australia for “lecturing” Family Court Chief Justice John Pascoe on how to run his court, amid bitter infighting ­between the court’s judges. The strife comes as Chief Justice Pascoe tries to overhaul the

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Family Court: Bully claims, email rows: judges engage in bench warfare

Chief Justice John Pascoe. Picture: Renee Nowytarger. Nicola Berkovic Nicola Berkovic Legal Affairs Correspondent Sydney @NicBerko At least one Family Court judge fears his judgments will not be dealt with fairly on appeal because he is not part of a “cheer squad” of other judges, while another questions whether alleged intimidation by another judge could

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